On Oct 23, 2006, at 10:58 AM, Matthew Miller wrote:
On Mon, Oct 23, 2006 at 08:37:40AM -0400, Jeff Johnson wrote:
From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq@xxxxxxx>
To: Tom 'spot' Callaway <tcallawa@xxxxxxxxxx>
Now fuck off forever. This is personal.
If it's so personal, can we _please_ keep it off this list?
Where does the personal stop and the private begin? That's the issue.
The reasons for FC not upgrading to rpm-4.4.7 are quite complicated
and are
deeply snarled in my personal affairs. E.g. the Fedora Advisory Board
aoppears incapable of deciding package management issues without
involving me by name.
I want my name and privacy back, and have taken the steps to do so
this morning.
Fedora really needs to figure out what they want to do with package
without invoking my name. I'm one person, and certainly not
preventing anyone
from doing anything they wish.
But apologies for too much information. I'm not part of any Fedora
project ...
73 de Jeff
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