Hi all,
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/PackageDatabase has been
out there for a bit...
I've put together a strawman schema (as a TurboGears model.py) to
help move things along - apologies if someone else has beaten me to
it. I think at this point the right questions to be asking are long
the lines of "will this schema support feature X or use case Y?".
From a quick glance at the web page, I *think* it mostly will. There
are some problems with this still, but open source is all about
fixing those problems :)
class Collection(SQLObject):
name = StringCol(length=128, notNone=True) # "Core", "Extras", or
whatever names-for-grouping you want
class Package(SQLObject):
name = StringCol(length=128, notNone=True) # "Core", "Extras", or
whatever names-for-grouping you want
created = DateTimeCol(default=sqlbuilder.func.NOW(), notNone=True)
status = EnumCol(enumValues=('awaitingreview', 'approved',
'denied'), default='awaitingreview', notNone=True)
class PackageHistory(SQLObject): # Records changes to packages
package = ForeignKey('Package', notNone=True)
by_user_id = IntCol(notNone=True) # Foreign key into account
database - user who made the change
action = EnumCol(enumValues=('added', 'removed', 'statuschanged'),
status = StringCol(length=128, notNone=True) # Not EnumCol, but
could be changed to be one.
when = DateTimeCol(default=sqlbuilder.func.NOW(), notNone=True)
class PackageListing(SQLObject):
package = ForeignKey('Package', notNone=True)
collection = ForeignKey('Collection', notNone=True)
created = DateTimeCol(default=sqlbuilder.func.NOW(), notNone=True)
status = EnumCol(enumValues=('awaitingreview', 'awaitingbranch',
'approved', 'denied'), default='awaitingreview', notNone=True)
class PackageListingHistory(SQLObject): # Records changes to packages
package_listing = ForeignKey('PackageListing', notNone=True)
by_user_id = IntCol(notNone=True) # Foreign key into account
database - user who made the change
action = EnumCol(enumValues=('added', 'removed', 'statuschanged'),
status = StringCol(length=128, notNone=True) # Not EnumCol, but
could be changed to be one.
when = DateTimeCol(default=sqlbuilder.func.NOW(), notNone=True)
class PackageVersion(SQLObject): # A specific version on a specific
package_listing = ForeignKey('PackageListing', notNone=True)
version = StringCol(length=128, notNone=True)
status = EnumCol(enumValues=('awaitingdevel', 'awaitingreview',
'awaitingqa', 'awaitingpublish', 'approved', 'denied', 'obsolete'),
default='awaitingdevel', notNone=True)
created = DateTimeCol(default=sqlbuilder.func.NOW(), notNone=True)
class PackageVersionHistory(SQLObject): # Records changes to packages
package_version = ForeignKey('PackageVersion', notNone=True)
by_user_id = IntCol(notNone=True) # Foreign key into account
database - user who made the change
action = EnumCol(enumValues=('added', 'statuschanged'), notNone=True)
status = StringCol(length=128, notNone=True) # Not EnumCol, but
could be changed to be one.
when = DateTimeCol(default=sqlbuilder.func.NOW(), notNone=True)
class PackageInterest(SQLObject):
# Note: PackageInterestHistory table assumes that records will never
be removed from here.
# Instead, set the status to 'obsolete'
user_id = IntCol(notNone=True)
package_listing = ForeignKey('PackageListing', notNone=True)
status = EnumCol(enumValues=('awaitingreview', 'approved', 'denied',
'obsolete'), default='awaitingreview', notNone=True)
role = EnumCol(enumValues=('watcher', 'owner'), default='watcher',
notNone=True) # Used for authorization
class PackageInterestHistory(SQLObject):
package_interest = ForeignKey('PackageInterest', notNone=True)
action = EnumCol(enumValues=('added', 'statuschanged'), notNone=True)
status = StringCol(length=128, notNone=True) # Not EnumCol, but
could be changed to be one.
when = DateTimeCol(default=sqlbuilder.func.NOW(), notNone=True)
-- Elliot
fedora-extras-list mailing list