Christian.Iseli@xxxxxxxx wrote:
FE-ACCEPT packages stats:
- 9 accepted, closed package reviews not in owners
Should be ignored by the QA script:
lineak_xosdplugin, lineak_kdeplugins, lineak_xosdplugin Are in the
owners.list, however the name differs from the subject of the review
request. Sub the "_" for a "-".
Re-Review is actually jed, which is in the owners.list
kimdaba has been replaced by kphotoalbum, which is in the owners.list
libgsf113 appears to have been removed from cvs, repos and owners.list
conntrack is in the owners.list (2006/06/07)
Actual missing missing:
perl-Net-Jabber has had a reminder sent
blam has had a reminder sent
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