Re: Self-Introduction

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On Tue, Apr 06, 2010 at 12:59:52PM +0530, pritam wrote:
>    Hello Fedora Docs Project!
>    My name is Kulkarni Pritam Gajanan, and I am a Post Graduate student of
>    Computer Engineering at College Of Engineering Pune (COEP). In six month I
>    will have my masters degree in the Computer Engineering, My project work
>    focuses on parellel processing especially General Purpose programming on
>    Graphics Processing Unit(GPGPU). I have always been infatuated with Linux
>    and open source software.� I am seeking a way to give back to the great
>    project that has given so much to me.
>    I also enjoy programming; I have extensive C and Java experience. Right
>    now I am working on CUDA(nVidia's Parallel Processing Architecture for
>    GPGPU programming) .While I feel I would be a natural fit for an Parallel
>    Programming developer position as well, I feel that documentation is
>    potentially where I can do the most good, at least initially. In my
>    opinion, documentation and user-friendliness is what it is going to take
>    to increase the popularity of any Linux distribution. Since this is my
>    first step as a contributor to an open source project, documentation may
>    also be an easier transition than diving into coding right away.
>    I have always been an good writer. I have had to write many lab reports,
>    instruction sets, technical documents, etc. I feel that I could bring
>    these strengths to the Docs Project.
>    Since I do not know where I may be needed, I would appreciate feedback
>    from interested groups. Meanwhile I have joined the docs and docs-commits
>    mailing lists so I can begin learning your task flow.� My GPG fingerprint
>    is below. Please let me know if there are any other steps I need to take
>    to join the community. I look forward to working with all of you!
>    pritam@bhavani:~$ gpg --fingerprint
>    pub�� 1024D/36399439 2007-06-17
>    Key fingerprint = B36A 8BD7 57C3 7616 BED6� 2309 AA82 C25A 3639 9439
>    uid����������������� Remi Vernay ([1]
>    <[2]srvchess@xxxxxxx>
>    sub�� 1024g/8E2434C4 2007-06-17
>    Thanks & regards
>    Pritam

Hello Pritam,

I'm going to paste and lightly edit a response that David Nalley sent
earlier to another new contributor.  Please forgive me for doing that
but he said everything well, and it was worth re-using that content!
:-) Your writing sample above and your positive attitude are great
signs that you'll find the Docs group to be a fantastic place to

Welcome to the group.  You've jumped in at one of the busiest times in
the release cycle, right about the time that the Beta release comes
out.  We have meetings[1] on IRC at 2300 UTC (7pm US Eastern) in
#fedora-meeting on every Wednesday.  Please join us
for the next one.  It sounds to me like you're probably already
familiar with IRC, but if not, you can find assistance for getting on
IRC on our wiki at

We have a ton of work to do - essentially at this point we've got a
number of guides that need some rewriting for new content for Fedora
13 release on May 18.  Some are generally easy enough that you can
jump in and get started, including the Installation Quick Start
Guide[2] and the User Guide[3].

I realize it's a pretty heady experience to immediately jump into, so
if you need help feel free to ask for it in #fedora-docs (someone is
there almost 24/7) or on the mailing list.  You can look for me
(stickster) or any of the folks owning those guides (ke4qqq,
laubersm) so we can help you get started.

* * *

Paul W. Frields                      
  gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233  5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717   -  -  -  -
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