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Hello Fedora Docs Project!

My name is Kulkarni Pritam Gajanan, and I am a Post Graduate student of Computer Engineering at College Of Engineering Pune (COEP). In six month I will have my masters degree in the Computer Engineering, My project work focuses on parellel processing especially General Purpose programming on Graphics Processing Unit(GPGPU). I have always been infatuated with Linux and open source software.  I am seeking a way to give back to the great project that has given so much to me.

I also enjoy programming; I have extensive C and Java experience. Right now I am working on CUDA(nVidia's Parallel Processing Architecture for GPGPU programming) .While I feel I would be a natural fit for an Parallel Programming developer position as well, I feel that documentation is potentially where I can do the most good, at least initially. In my opinion, documentation and user-friendliness is what it is going to take to increase the popularity of any Linux distribution. Since this is my first step as a contributor to an open source project, documentation may also be an easier transition than diving into coding right away.

I have always been an good writer. I have had to write many lab reports, instruction sets, technical documents, etc. I feel that I could bring these strengths to the Docs Project.

Since I do not know where I may be needed, I would appreciate feedback from interested groups. Meanwhile I have joined the docs and docs-commits mailing lists so I can begin learning your task flow.  My GPG fingerprint is below. Please let me know if there are any other steps I need to take to join the community. I look forward to working with all of you!

pritam@bhavani:~$ gpg --fingerprint
pub   1024D/36399439 2007-06-17
Key fingerprint = B36A 8BD7 57C3 7616 BED6  2309 AA82 C25A 3639 9439
uid                  Remi Vernay ( <srvchess@xxxxxxx>
sub   1024g/8E2434C4 2007-06-17

Thanks & regards
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