CVS is setup and ready to go. I think we should be able to get everything into CVS today without any problems. All we need now is a CVS directory structure and to decide who will do what. I'll also add anonymous access soon for mirroring purposes.
Here's the scoop. There are 5 easy steps to get you setup to connect to the CVS server.
1. Please send me an email with your desired username and password. Use the crypt() function to encrypt your password, or just take one out of /etc/shadow.
It would probably be best if you could import my PGP key to your email client and send me an encrypted email with the user name and password. I have placed my public key at the end of this file, you can also get it from http://pgp.mit.edu/, then put "Akbar S. Ahmed" in "Search String".
At this point I'll add you to the CVS users list.
2. Go to http://www.delixus.com/downloads/ccvssh/ (sorry about the advertisement on the page) and read the directions. Just download ccvssh-0.9.1-1.i586.rpm and install it. I followed 3rd party practice and put the binary in a subdirectory of /opt.
The RPM and SRPM are signed with the Delixus corporate GPG key so you can verify the integrity of the packages (assuming you trust me as a reliable source).
Please note: I only created an RPM for Fedora, but I also put up the SRPM so you can easily rebuild the CCVSSH client. It is GPL BTW. Also, let me know if you need it rebuilt for another OS and I'll try to get it done.
3. Setup environment variables in your .bash_profile file. See http://www.delixus.com/downloads/ccvssh/ for instructions.
4. Login to the CVS server.
5. Use standard CVS commands to interact with the server, but enjoy encrypted communication with the server
FYI: I'll be out of the office until approx. 9:30 AM PST tomorrow, but will get to the username/password requests ASAP.
This software is fairly cool. It redirects pserver traffic over SSL using stunnel. It gives the best of both pserver and the SSH ext method.
It should be very easy to setup, but if not just send me a complaint email and I'll see if I can help.
Thanks, Akbar
My personal public key:
Public key for 0xCF3FC7AB4FF3176F -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (MingW32)
mQGiBD/C0u8RBACmfRBaKBC1qrmTz18XcsP0NOgZRzFeE1aC85DcyO56MhQGxiI5 r3tApdMmKrq8n6K/0X16A8ilH45vi9vv4hjhD/qVrmhz0ko8sr7mEk7xA7dATX/Z QMMqdpQl1fc5X+3sYzgL1ZoOH7RQaV8f1WDVWpKJt/vkISkoXYk/dq6yIwCg4jTZ f7SnVG35Y/VSxNg5ZHz6AIkEAKSeNnoo6jgYv1Uk5CS+Pk0Laema5j/ZgYUhz3cC tAk4f9GaFWpx3X5WkolCz4jsj6zv4OSe8UQocqTwxEw6nV1sTavg9oi6l9qPnjjz XUNy6EzmrW9f3ggNptur10TTYT0aZLzScZyzyfs+IbQoaLu9rq0DERRBpN10YoXJ Pb2wBACW6DWzgR4V1/1t6vdA2b8LzOetTPNNPGbUHiVU18u6kwMCcd7chu1rcDAK Paobb6o0UUPic5JymOLR/KPg7kj1t2ZaiNSxeZdWS8ZcMumzMEzMwwoiEIomLgUB NH7Eb9YPuz0dXdK1blR9Co2eBCw/M+FVrjU3krd81YcRlbrJr7ROQWtiYXIgUy4g QWhtZWQgKFBlcnNvbmFsIEdQRyBrZXkgZm9yIEFrYmFyIFMuIEFobWVkKSA8YWti YXI1MDFAZHNsZXh0cmVtZS5jb20+iFsEExECABsFAj/C0u8GCwkIBwMCAxUCAwMW AgECHgECF4AACgkQzz/Hq0/zF2+b7wCgrzu6peifPwlM3QJsISgWeHlQQW4AoL0x FQEzrtVxFTsMfDASTBC6T5QSuQENBD/C0vEQBADeRkAO2j7yAiNVvPMKrrG7Bscq dhJbzG6uxeuN8Gxc8thHb7f95Yzqa/jOpfuY3vbj+0/jGQkoKTdszkDkPSEmvMxi snLCrFBuOGLCBVUICf4Z8LI5XfBWnrvG6QTCyfVd3Vyz86XgSrv4W7O71tKhBdey bHjPDKad2Y2hkvF/jwADBwQAulAk39fHLOaXkABIYv+oWmKYKvOOgX5JCA+ZN5yK UcZWwogkWVlhL78XeXQjdlZOLif3WsDDX3EMw87y0fpUj2FMVPcrMHLzh00RnBQV RJvJHQNjBNBhyom+9ObqNGuIMir8aY3kLTi6ABc9vvZ7U1qZ2lAAqNmFklCeeAcF SiqIRgQYEQIABgUCP8LS8QAKCRDPP8erT/MXb/MBAKCjsBc+ZRnwXjxQrzCk/ANv NcBR3QCgkXWYeRo3J++pzWDPwfj8wl9eHvk= =O2m5 -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----