me@redacted:/etc/dirsrv/slapd-redacted/schema# cat
dn: cn=schema
attributeTypes: (
NAME 'testAttributeWithSup'
DESC 'rfc2252 allows for both superior objectclasses and
superior attributetypes'
SUP top
schema-reload.pl -v -D
"cn=Directory Manager" -j ../dirman.pwd
ldapmodify: started Tue Aug 31 20:12:04 2010
add objectclass:
add cn:
adding new entry cn=schema_reload_2010_8_31_20_12_4, cn=schema
reload task, cn=tasks, cn=config
modify complete
me@redacted:/etc/dirsrv/slapd-redacted/schema# tail -4
[31/Aug/2010:20:12:03 -0700] schemareload - Schema reload task
starts (schema dir: default) ...
[31/Aug/2010:20:12:03 -0700] dse - The entry cn=schema in file
/etc/dirsrv/slapd-redacted/schema/96testing.ldif is invalid, error code
21 (Invalid syntax) - attribute type testAttributeWithSup: Missing
parent attribute syntax OID
[31/Aug/2010:20:12:03 -0700] schema_reload - schema file
validation failed
[31/Aug/2010:20:12:04 -0700] schemareload - Schema validation
Doing the same with an objectclass ("SUP top") works fine,
obviously. All this means is I can't define attributes that are
inheritance types; no matter how many times I may repeat the same three
lines in many entries, they have to be repeated; I can't just say "SUP
nocastr128" instead.
Again, doesn't stop anything from working, I just did a global
search/replace in vi and was done quickly. It just looks messier, and
was curious why it wasn't allowed to have superior attributes, or if
there was something I was doing wrong?