Re: None of the Above (was Re: Sendmail still default?)

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Patrice Dumas wrote:
On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 10:33:43AM -0400, Alan Cox wrote:
Actually that I question somewhat. Both POSIX and the LSB require local mail
delivery services. A suprising number of applications that don't currently
specify sendmail dependancies appear to use it. Have a grep...
Every package with application that calls /usr/sbin/sendmail should 
require that file. Isn't it the case? If you know about cases like that,
tell, I'll file bugs.
If POSIX requires it, it should be a safe assumption on any system that 
claims compliance.
Now this is only part of the story since currently programs that don't
do local delivery, or are not configured for local delivery out-of-the-box provides /usr/sbin/sendmail. I think that is is right, but maybe a
virtual dependency, like mail(local) is needed somewhere to force
installation of an app that does local delivery, either as a dependency,
or as part of the default install, though there is no agreement on that
Apps that send mail don't and shouldn't know where delivery is going to 
happen.  That is entirely up to the transport.
  Les Mikesell

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