Jeffrey Ollie wrote:
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 8:55 AM, Patrice Dumas <pertusus@xxxxxxx> wrote:
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 09:23:37AM -0400, Josh Boyer wrote:
Ah. And how is that different from CentOS? At the time CentOS 5 was
release, it also contained the latest "innovative" technologies. So,
what would be different about a Fedora LTS?
Because it is not possible to switch to centos from all fedora releases.
Right now you cannot switch from F8 to any centos, and even an updated F6
couldn't switch to centos 5. So it would be interesting for F6, F7, F8.
Maybe not F9 if switching from an updated F9 to centos 6 is possible,
but will centos 6 be ready in 6 months?
If you have a system you are developing that needs to run on
RHEL/CentOS, you start development on RHEL/CentOS not on Fedora.
That doesn't make sense. If you expect your system to run on RH6 that
would mean you couldn't start development until after it is released.
same goes for anything - if you were going to deploy on Ubuntu 8.04
(the most recent LTS version) you wouldn't start development on Ubuntu
8.10 would you?
You don't plan to release something new on the last version of a
distribution, you plan for the next - so yes, Ubuntu 8.10 would be a
suitable development platform and Ubuntu has so far had a reasonable
update process to their next versions (but admittedly they haven't had a
hard one like going from a 2.4 to a 2.6 kernel yet).
Les Mikesell
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