Emmanuel Seyman wrote:
* Patrice Dumas [12/10/2008 14:43] :
I really can't see how you can say that. Look at the setup of rpmfusion,
Rpmfusion chose to duplicate the Fedora infrastructure (bugzilla, CVS+FAS,
mailman, the works). This is much more difficult and goes above and beyond
the requirements for a third party repo to get started.
for example, it is clearly not something I can undertake myself.
Once again, if you do not have the manpower to setup an infrastructure,
you do not have the manpower to support @code + @base . This is why
you need to start by building a community.
But the first question should be why a separate community is necessary.
Why is it not possible for one of fedora's goals to be to provide a
clean transition to RHEL or Centos at the end of certain development
cycles, at which point EPEL/Rpmfusion, etc. would be unnecessary as
separate entities since that fedora cycle's repository would be directly
usable as-is and would simply need to be maintained instead of the
various 3rd party versions that have been necessary to fill this void?
Les Mikesell
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