Les Mikesell wrote:
Matthew Woehlke wrote:
It's fine and good to make things work for people that do session
hopping. I just didn't like how the original question seemed to imply
that those are the only people we care about.
I didn't quite mean it like that, but X and unix-like systems just
naturally divorce applications and sessions from hardware and it seems
wrong to throw that away even if you don't need it today. Especially if
it is just to avoid the trouble of properly managing profile data.
Indeed; that's almost exactly what I said ranting about Firefox :-D. I'm
very much on your side here (just so long as we don't forget the trivial
case ;-) ).
Maybe you could have asked instead, "do we really expect that no one
running Fedora has more then one computer?", which indicates a
positive interest in such people without seeming to assume that they
are the only group that exists.
I'll go even farther that direction if you want: "do you really expect
that no one running fedora will ever have more than one computer?"
When/if they do, I'd expect them to want to share resources among them.
I considered that addition to be implied, but yes, that's certainly
fine. Thanks. It's just that the original wording bugged me :-).
Please do not quote my e-mail address unobfuscated in message bodies.
I was recently amused by issuing 'rm -rf $KDEDIR'... from Konsole, while
in a KDE session. And nothing bad happened whatsoever. Try THAT on
Windows :-D.
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