Re: Directory structures in the future and other things I want.

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Martin Sourada wrote:
From all the system dirs I use I would not tell only
what's in /etc by looking at the name, the rest is named pretty well
(though I don't completely understand what binaries go directly to /bin
rather than /usr/bin...)
In a different lifetime, the assumptions were that /bin was small and 
that /usr wouldn't be mounted until fairly late in the start-up process, 
so /bin had to contain the minimal set of tools to get through booting 
and mounting up the other drives (which might be network mounted) and 
recover from any problems.
-10. In /sbin and /usr/sbin aren't binaries supposed to be run by
average user and some of them even does not work with insufficient
privileges. If you insist on using them you should be proficient enough
to be able to add it to your path yourself.
In the vast majority of cases today, this 'average user' is the same 
person who did the install and will su to root whenever necessary.  So 
he's just going to be confused when commands sometimes aren't found.
  Les Mikesell

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