Valent Turkovic wrote:
of view. I explained why separate /home and not other partitions like
/var and others... did you read my initial post?
Er, yes, your original post asked why there wasn't a separate /home by
default. In turn, I've asked why there should be one. Thusfar I've read:
1. To make wiping and reinstalling easier.
2. To keep / from running out of space by user activity.
Was there anything else?
Reasons against changing the default:
1. You end up with a smaller /, possibly too small.
2. You end up with a smaller /home, possibly too small.
3. Rebalancing the two is complicated and can't be done online.
There are technical challenges to overcome on both sides of the default
behavior. I usually upgrade as opposed to doing a new install, so this
reason doesn't really mesh with necessity for me. Also, some will have
a shared /home making any space allocated to /home go to waste.
Brendan Conoboy / Red Hat, Inc. / blc@xxxxxxxxxx
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