This problem is usually solved by rpath linker parameter in gecko-libs
packages. Please file a bug against xulrunner (or firefox), it should be
fixed somehow...
Martin Sourada wrote:
I attempted to optimise the gxine package, which uses JS library, for
xulrunner, as I though it might be better to use xulrunner's mozjs,
rather than libjs as xulrunner is already needed for it's mozplugin, so
I have locally built a copy with xulrunner's mozjs used and I got this
error when I try to run the application:
gxine: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory.
So I reverted back to libjs until it is fixed.
I also tried latest hg snapshot, which dropped support for libjs
altogether, with the same result.
One thing that fixes the issue is making a symlink in /usr/lib
to /usr/lib/xurunner-$version$/
What could be wrong? I also noticed that there are problems with mozjs
header files where the xulrunner-js.pc file directs to 'stable' subdir
of xulrunner includes, while the mozjs is in 'js' subdir.
I have xulrunner-devel-1.9-0.alpha9.2.fc9 installed in my otherwise F8
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