John Reiser wrote:
So the real question is what do we 'suggest' our default install be?
1) Live CD: Can't upgrade, do package selection or specify install method.
Why can't a system that is installed from the Live CD be upgraded?
What would it take to make such an installation upgradeable?
I believe it is reasonable if the upgrade is possible, even if it
requires a separate step after initial installation from Live CD.
[Specifying install method and package selection is a natural for the
Rescue CD; see #3 below.]
Because the live cd install does an image copy and not an install. The
workings behind the scenes are not the same right now in anaconda for
the live cd and the normal install.
2) DVD: isn't live (duh :) but requires DVD burner and drive to do
In the "first world" a DVD burner is $50 or less and a DVD reader is
$30 or less. In other places (or if those prices are a serious barrier)
then share through a user group or a buddy, or postal mail, etc. Seriously.
The isolated boxes with no DVD also tend to have anemic network connectivity.
Five CD images take a *week* at dialup speeds (I know, I created F7 CDs
and spoon fed them to somebody at 33.6Kbaud.)
*or* just download something else. I'd like to point out that I
consider myself an avid Linux user and I've never done a DVD install.
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