Re: XULRunner - will be or won't be?

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Olivier Galibert wrote:
On Thu, Jun 28, 2007 at 11:47:44AM -0400, Jesse Keating wrote:
This is also another case where Fedora may be the first to "incur the pain" of reworking our software for Xulrunner, and identifying things that need to be change, potentially upstream. We need to be more proactive about touting these things where we break ground and other distros just follow us through. We often are the suckers who take all the pain and punishment, the other distros just follow us through and say "look at how much better ours is!"
Maybe not this time.  Xulrunner has bee in gentoo for a little while
now and is getting more and more generalized.  So hopefully the worst
is already behind.
Merely being in the repository does not really count. Does other apps 
like liferea built against it by default when you try to emerge them?

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