Re: rawhide report: 20070108 changes

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Thomas M Steenholdt wrote:
Jeffrey C. Ollie wrote:
If you look a the kernel .spec you will see that there is
"linux-2.6.19.tar.bz2" plus "patch-2.6.20-rc4.bz2".  So the RPM version
is reflecting the fact that it's the 2.6.19 plus patches.

Well, the patch effectively updates the kernel source-code (before 
building it) to 2.6.20-rc4.
So this is indeed a 2.6.20-rc4 version, which, as I understand it, dave 
also fully recognizes.

FWIW, I really have no hard standpoint on whether the kernel rpm should 
be named after the released base version or the version of the next 
kernel, when it includes preX or rcX patches from a newer version (which 
it will most of the time). I can definitely see pros and cons of each 
approach. It seems a little more sane to use 2.6.19 for %version, when 
it's not really a 2.6.20 yet. On the other hand, the upstream version 
really is 2.6.20rc4, only %version cannot have rc4 IIRC... so... Take 
your pick.
Just my 2 cents.


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