Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
The big question is, who decides who has the "merit". I see potential
"Merit" is earned through hard work.
"Hard work" should speak for itself.
Sometimes disagreements happen, then the tough decision must go up the
leadership chain to a deciding body. In Fedora we have multiple levels
FESCO (to be renamed) - technical/packaging governance issues
FAB - issues recommendations, does not decide
FPB - ultimate decider if lower levels cannot agree
ideological problems here even if someone works their ass off, but then
isn't necessarily considered to be, for example, 'a good socialist'. Or
a good "Stallmanist". Or is that Stalinist? Sorry, I get those two
Calling names is intellectually lazy. Please describe with specificity
how the desire to create a community where people earn respect through
their hard work is Stalin-like?
I don't see the connection between Stalin and Stallman either.
The Fedora Project Board decided, the community process is to be
followed and the result of that will be used in Fedora 7 pending the
Board's approval.
This is NOT YOUR DECISION. This is the Board's decision.
Which will work as long as the Board a) acknowledges the existence of
users b) takes it's cues from the users first and c) prioritizes
technical merit over ideology.
What ideology are you referring to?
If you have criticisms of the Board not doing what is best for the
users, then please speak in specifics instead of intellectually lazy
Warren Togami
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