On Jan 6, 2007, at 12:06 PM, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
David Zeuthen wrote:
Not sure what you had in mind (examples?) but it's not exactly
true (which is an understatement) though of course relations
between RH employees and non-RH employees wanting to help out too
can be improved. We always tell people to help out upstream; the
only patches we carry are for defaults really. It's just like the
kernel, we tell Fedora people to hack on kernel.org kernels.
Fedora-desktop list is not getting much traffic.
True, it's mostly people who ask support questions / asking for
misguided features. Sadly.
All of the desktop team plans usually happen in a internal list
and is completely opaque till it hits the development tree.
Not entirely true; Rahul, you have access to that list and not a lot
of _Fedora_ planning is going on so stop spreading misinformation.
It's mainly used for RHEL stuff. It's true that we have some mails
sometimes discussing early features for Fedora and, sure, in some
instances we still need to move the last 5% to the external list. Wrt
to IRC we also have many discussions externally on #fedora-desktop.
You also need to realize that we have hallway conversations, that's
unavoidable but sometimes high-bandwidth communications are needed.
For example, I did post the f-u-s proposal; it didn't receive much
feedback at all. My take is that the Fedora community largely isn't
very interested in the desktop (I would loved to be proved wrong,
don't take this in a non-constructive way); in that way we're
succesful, for example an avid Fedora user is Richard Hughes and I
deal a lot with him on upstream lists discussing features in hal and
One of the problems with that is it wrongly appears that there is
no desktop development work going on within Fedora.
The desktop team is understaffed, we spend a lot of time in bugzilla
and doing packaging rather than development. I think you don't
realize this and this is bad as you should know such things being an
RH employee. And this is bad.
As Matthias said earlier, Monty is still finalizing that plan for
external consumption; it's just at very early stages of design and at
this point bringing it up on a Fedora list is just not productive; of
course people should feel free to ping him on IRC (nickname xiphmont)
on #fedora-desktop. No one have really, so I guess that there is
little interest? Please come forward.
There has been several other things discussed in earlier releases
and now such as evaluating init replacements, codec buddy, GDM
early login, stateless linux. home user backup etc which the team
might want to keep track of.
This is all something the desktop team cares about but we have not
have time to do anything about it. You're making it sound like we're
working on this in secret chambers. It is not so. Please stop the FUD
about the RH desktop team being secretive, especially when you, as a
RH employee, should know better as you have access to read our
internal list. Also, we all hangout on #fedora-desktop on GimpNet so
it's not like we're difficult to reach. Please join that channel and
starting _talking_ to us instead of treating us like we want to do
things secret. Thanks.
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