Steven Pritchard wrote:
On Thu, Jul 27, 2006 at 09:23:11AM -0700, David Boles wrote:
Steven Pritchard wrote:
Maybe you should file a bug with the other repo to make their ATI and
Nvidia drivers conflict with xorg-x11-$something >= 7.0. Then the
upgrade should get held until after the drivers have been fixed.
I hope that comment was meant to be funny.
I think you misunderstood. I meant make the packages conflict at the
rpm level. (It's a simple matter of putting the right Requires: or
Conflicts: line(s) in the spec.) That way yum wouldn't try to upgrade
xorg until the driver package was upgraded.
Yes i think this is the best solution for nvidia.ko users. Use the livna
package and rely on an explicit versioned Requires:. This will act as a
"reminder" to add the proper --excludes if you try to run a 'yum -y
update' during an uncaffeinated morning. Now I guess we just need new
maintainer for the livna package...
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