Re: Non-standard options removal from %cmake

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On 2025/03/12 13:22, Michael J Gruber wrote:


This is also a perfect example of how *not* to write git commit nor
changelog messages: everybody who can read those few lines of diff will
know what got removed and that it wasn't "standard" (or else it would
not have been defined manually); but the "why" is not adressed, nor is
it obvious.

In fact, even more got removed:

-         -DINCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR:PATH=%{_includedir} \\\
-         -DLIB_INSTALL_DIR:PATH=%{_libdir} \\\
-         -DSYSCONF_INSTALL_DIR:PATH=%{_sysconfdir} \\\
-         -DSHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=%{_datadir} \\\

How are we supposed to ensure Fedora standard install paths with cmake
in spec? Is everyone supposed to set them? Are other (buildroot?)
packages setting them in a way which cmake picks up?


I made that PR [1]  when CMake 4.0 was introducing a lot of breakages due to the removal of the cmake policies < 3.5. I was considering a good time for it because the non-standard `INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR` were linked to implementation prior to GNUInstallDirs, which the upstream projects should migrate to and would be caught in the review of the cmake policy. Since then another patch was added to silently ignore the policy issues, but that hides other issues.

I do agree that the rawhide cmake-4.0 releases should be untagged and we go with a proper side-tag and change proposal for these changes, but I don't have access to the repo to do so. I would be happy to collaborate on the change though, and work on the upstream patches necessary.

Coming back to `LIB_SUFFIX` and `*_INSTALL_DIR`, those should have never been added globally [2], because they are non-standardized variables and instead the projects affected should manually review their intent and adjust accordingly. There was an example with `libspatialindex` [3] where `LIB_INSTALL_DIR` is meant to be relative path, not an absolute path, so having them in the macro was also not ideal because it requires weird workaround patches for that.


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