%pyproject_buildrequires -t/-e and %tox without a suitable tox configuration will error

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Hello packagers.

As a followup to this email sent a month ago to the python-devel list, I now plan to make the incorrect (and unsafe) usage of %pyproject_buildrequires -t/-e and %tox without a suitable tox configuration fail the build.

This is a breaking change, but I believe it's the only way to prevent packages with always passing %checks.

If your package has no tox configuration, do not use the -t/-e option for %pyproject_buildrequires, do not use %tox.

This change will land to rawhide first and later to all stable releases as well.

For reference:

On 05. 02. 25 10:47, Miro Hrončok wrote:
Hello Pythonistas.

When we updated tox from version 3 to 4, it no longer fails when here is no suitable tox configuration found. This was a deliberate upstream choice.

Unfortunately, it means that packages that use %pyproject_buildrequires with -t or -e now silently succeed if there is no tox configuration found.

I identified 95 packages that are affected by this, see below.

Unfortunately, it is tricky to detect a missing tox configuration directly from %pyproject_buildrequires. For now, I did this by looking for a specific information in tox output, but that might not be stable.

I built all Rawhide packages matching %\{?pyproject_buildrequires\s+(.+\s)?- \S*[te] in a copr with a modified version of %pyproject_buildrequires which fails when this happens.

https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/churchyard/pyproject-buildrequires-no- tox-error/builds/

For all the failures, I looked into the logs and identified the 95 failures are caused by that (see below).

If this affects your package, please consider if your usage of -t/-e for %pyproject_buildrequires is a mistake (and remove it), or see if some explicit build dependencies are missing (and the package only builds by chance).

Sometimes, upstreams which use tox don't put their tox configuration into sdist (%pypi_source) and only keep it in git.

Sometimes, upstreams don't use tox at all and the usage of -t/-e is wrong.

If you have questions, I am happy to help.

Maintainers by package:
hddfancontrol        filiperosset
lazygal              rathann
mat2                 atim
mkdocs               dcavalca smani
mogui                xdelaruelle
onnx                 aalvarez dherrera
past-time            fab
patool               eclipseo
pmbootstrap          defolos
pykka                girst
python-ailment       fab mikep
python-aioftp        fab
python-aiomultiprocess fab
python-archinfo      fab mikep
python-archspec      orion
python-asn1tools     peter
python-asysocks      fab
python-base58        peter
python-blowfish      limb
python-ckzg          peter
python-claripy       fab mikep
python-cmd2          fab jcapitao ktdreyer
python-dataclassy    peter
python-diff-match-patch amigadave
python-dropbox       limb
python-einops        trix
python-envisage      orion
python-eth-abi       peter
python-eth-account   peter
python-eth-event     peter
python-eth-hash      peter
python-eth-keyfile   peter
python-eth-keys      peter
python-eth-rlp       peter
python-eth-stdlib    peter
python-eth-typing    peter
python-eth-utils     peter
python-flask-httpauth jpena
python-flask-session frantisekz
python-haversion     fab
python-hexbytes      peter
python-hvac          ignatenkobrain ngompa rcallicotte
python-influxdb-client fedepell stevetraylen
python-jaconv        kevin
python-jsonpath-ng   fab
python-lazy_load     peter
python-libusb1       jonny peter
python-logutils      limb
python-lru-dict      peter
python-mailman-web   salimma
python-migen         somlo
python-morphys       peter
python-multiaddr     peter
python-multibase     peter
python-multicodec    peter
python-multihash     peter
python-music21       zbyszek
python-nine          ondrejj
python-optking       jussilehtola
python-optuna        limb
python-paginate      dcavalca
python-pandas-datareader sergiopr
python-pyaes         thebeanogamer
python-pybeam        peter
python-pyiqvia       fab
python-pymongo       apevec cstratak hhorak jonathanspw orion
python-pyrad         antorres cicku peter
python-pytest-dependency mikelo2
python-pytest-fixture-config kevin
python-qcelemental   jussilehtola
python-requests-unixsocket jcaratzas radez
python-rlp           peter
python-rpyc          fab
python-simple-pid    ttorcz
python-smi           fab
python-ssdp          fab
python-telnetlib3    dcavalca
python-textile       thm
python-textparser    fab
python-timeout-decorator jcapitao
python-tinydb        petersen suanand
python-towncrier     eclipseo
python-trie          peter
python-uhashring     amoralej
python-unix-ar       ppfeister
python-warlock       apevec jcapitao mrunge
python-xlrd          ondrejj pingou
python-zstandard     ignatenkobrain rathann
python3-exiv2        asn
quearcode            limb
reuse                jstanek
rpm-spec-language-server frostyx
scancode-toolkit     eclipseo
syncstar             t0xic0der
vapoursynth          slaanesh

Packages by maintainer:
aalvarez   onnx
amigadave  python-diff-match-patch
amoralej   python-uhashring
antorres   python-pyrad
apevec     python-pymongo python-warlock
asn        python3-exiv2
atim       mat2
cicku      python-pyrad
cstratak   python-pymongo
dcavalca   mkdocs python-paginate python-telnetlib3
defolos    pmbootstrap
dherrera   onnx
eclipseo   patool python-towncrier scancode-toolkit
fab        past-time python-ailment python-aioftp python-aiomultiprocess python-archinfo python-asysocks python-claripy python-cmd2 python-haversion python-jsonpath-ng python-pyiqvia python-rpyc python-smi python-ssdp python- textparser
fedepell   python-influxdb-client
filiperosset hddfancontrol
frantisekz python-flask-session
frostyx    rpm-spec-language-server
girst      pykka
hhorak     python-pymongo
ignatenkobrain python-hvac python-zstandard
jcapitao   python-cmd2 python-timeout-decorator python-warlock
jcaratzas  python-requests-unixsocket
jonathanspw python-pymongo
jonny      python-libusb1
jpena      python-flask-httpauth
jstanek    reuse
jussilehtola python-optking python-qcelemental
kevin      python-jaconv python-pytest-fixture-config
ktdreyer   python-cmd2
limb       python-blowfish python-dropbox python-logutils python-optuna quearcode
mikelo2    python-pytest-dependency
mikep      python-ailment python-archinfo python-claripy
mrunge     python-warlock
ngompa     python-hvac
ondrejj    python-nine python-xlrd
orion      python-archspec python-envisage python-pymongo
peter      python-asn1tools python-base58 python-ckzg python-dataclassy python- eth-abi python-eth-account python-eth-event python-eth-hash python-eth-keyfile python-eth-keys python-eth-rlp python-eth-stdlib python-eth-typing python-eth- utils python-hexbytes python-lazy_load python-libusb1 python-lru-dict python- morphys python-multiaddr python-multibase python-multicodec python-multihash python-pybeam python-pyrad python-rlp python-trie
petersen   python-tinydb
pingou     python-xlrd
ppfeister  python-unix-ar
radez      python-requests-unixsocket
rathann    lazygal python-zstandard
rcallicotte python-hvac
salimma    python-mailman-web
sergiopr   python-pandas-datareader
slaanesh   vapoursynth
smani      mkdocs
somlo      python-migen
stevetraylen python-influxdb-client
suanand    python-tinydb
t0xic0der  syncstar
thebeanogamer python-pyaes
thm        python-textile
trix       python-einops
ttorcz     python-simple-pid
xdelaruelle mogui
zbyszek    python-music21

Miro Hrončok
Phone: +420777974800
IRC: mhroncok

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