Re: Java update notices on Fedora 41

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On 2/8/25 3:27 AM, Chris Adams wrote:
Once upon a time, Mateus Rodrigues Costa <mateusrodcosta@xxxxxxxxx> said:
Em sex., 7 de fev. de 2025 às 18:56, Chris Adams <linux@xxxxxxxxxxx> escreveu:
Why is updating a Fedora 41 system with java-11-openjdk installed
getting deprecation notices for a Fedora 42 change?  I got:

     The java-11-openjdk package is deprecated and may no longer receive updates. Since f42 install adoptium-temurin-java-repository and install temurin-11-jre
     It currently lacks rpm-based debuginfo, fastdebugs and slowdebugs and headless subpackage. It also lacks offline javadocs and jdk duplicates jre

The link is to a Fedora 42 change.

 From my understanding from reading that change it seems that:

You're missing my point - that is a change for Fedora 42, and yet the
message showed up in a package update for Fedora 41.

Hello! It i sf42 change, but how else you want to warn users? Not everybody follows @lists. In f42 there will be no jdk11 updates. Nor there will be any in-fedora replacement. The only replacement I'm aware of, is temurin jdk. So my effort was to sent the message wide and loud.
Thus I started to print  warning in all live fedoras, that in f42 theirs JDK 8-17 will be unmaintained. Is that so bad?

The disclaimer "package is deprecated and may no longer receive updates." is maybe to harsh.  Truth is that upstream work on jdk 17 and down is really getting down, and there may become build issue, which will be unsolvable.
(Actually already hit in jdk8..well rolling on somehow for now).  In that moment there will be not much else to do then to stop updating it.
Also there is human factor in play. I do not plan to retire from the process, but no can know for sure. If I will fall the temurin will help.
Because maintanenace of jdks is not exactly easy, fresh maintainer will most likely pick up system JDK, and others will be left on temurins.

The scriplets were chose, as they are always noticed. And I would sleep more easily, if I would know that people moved non system jdk to temurins rather sooner then late.

Hope that explains,
   Sorry for confusion,

Jiri Vanek Mgr.
Principal QA Software Engineer
Red Hat Inc.
+420 775 39 01 09

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