Em sex., 7 de fev. de 2025 às 18:56, Chris Adams <linux@xxxxxxxxxxx> escreveu: > > Why is updating a Fedora 41 system with java-11-openjdk installed > getting deprecation notices for a Fedora 42 change? I got: > > The java-11-openjdk package is deprecated and may no longer receive updates. Since f42 install adoptium-temurin-java-repository and install temurin-11-jre > https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/ThirdPartyLegacyJdks#adoptium-temurin-java-repository > It currently lacks rpm-based debuginfo, fastdebugs and slowdebugs and headless subpackage. It also lacks offline javadocs and jdk duplicates jre > > The link is to a Fedora 42 change. >