Re: Inadvertent mass-rebuild triggered soname bump in libnfs

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On Sun, 2025-01-26 at 10:40 -0500, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
> It's possible that I'm in the minority here, but I honestly don't think
> anything should be pushed to dist-git unless it's intended to be built more
> or less immediately. Yes, even changes without an immediate functional
> impact like the SPDX changes.

In theory I agree, but this is a theory vs. practice problem. In
practice we do mass rebuilds every six months and this happens. So in
practice we need to deal with it somehow. If you have a practical
method to prevent people committing things without 100% certainty they
will be built and tagged shortly after, great. Otherwise this isn't

Note it's difficult to have such certainty at present in e.g. the
soname bump case. Even if you do things The Right Modern Way - by
creating a pull request for the library being bumped, so tests run on
the PR before it's merged - it's not going to help, because we do not
have a mechanism for that PR to also include or be associated with PRs
for the dependent packages and for them all to be tested together, to
see if the bump really 'works'.

You *can* 'test before you merge' at present but it involves a chunk of
manual work; you'll either have to set up a side tag and do builds it
in *from a non-default branch* and then test those somehow, or use a
COPR or a local mock environment with a side repo. I think it's a bit
unrealistic to expect all packagers to do that, and clearly they don't.
What they actually do is bump the rawhide branch, build it in a
sidetag, then try and get the dependent package rebuilds done. If one
of them fails, or all the builds they try work but the update fails
testing because they missed one or there's an actual bug, we're now in
the state where the rawhide branched is out of sync with what's built
and tagged.
Adam Williamson (he/him/his)
Fedora QA
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