Re: RFC: Additional checkpoint for major toolchain updates before mass rebuild

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Does this RFC include an obligation for the 'major toolchain upgrades'
Fedora Change owners to rebuild the dependent packages ?

I mean - without a failed build it doesn't really make a difference to me.
FTBFS bugzilla ticket is something I note and try to solve.

However without a rebuild, the change may or may not break my packages
- no one will know until mass rebuild.
And I can hardly see myself trying to rebuild all my packages myself
1-6 days before the mass rebuild, when the mass rebuild will do that
for me.

In short:
Knowing sooner that my packages are affected will likely make me fix
them sooner.
But without knowing that, I likely won't be trying to find out myself,
when the mass rebuild will do that for me.



Michal Schorm
Software Engineer
Databases Team
Red Hat


On Mon, Jan 27, 2025 at 7:05 PM Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all,
> For reference, this has been discussed at the last FPC meeting:
> And I filed a corresponding RFC with FESCo here:
> In an effort to avoid the large amount of breakage during the mass
> rebuild that happened with GCC 15 and Go 1.24 landing only *hours*
> before it was started, we suggested the following:
> "Major toolchain upgrades must land at least 7 days before the
> scheduled start of the mass rebuild."
> This would mean either major toolchain updates would need to be pushed
> slightly earlier, or the mass rebuild is started slightly later, plus
> / minus a few days. A proposal to move the January mass rebuild back
> by two entire weeks had previously been rejected by FESCo, mostly
> because it would result in the mass rebuild (and its fallout)
> happening during FOSDEM.
> Making sure major toolchain updates are in place at least one week
> before the start of the mass rebuild should give maintainers more time
> to deal with potential breakage and / or give compiler maintainers
> more time to fix regressions that are only found after the update
> lands.
> Due to the way how release schedules line up, this additional
> "checkpoint" would mostly affect GCC and golang, but potentially also
> other major toolchains - though LLVM will likely continue to need an
> exception to allow landing the major update "very late" - because the
> LLVM release schedule doesn't line up well with the Fedora release
> schedule.
> There have been some comments on the FESCo ticket, but it would
> probably be better to have a discussion on the mailing list, instead.
> Fabio
> --
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