Ian Pilcher wrote:
Matthew Miller wrote:
If RHEL doesn't qualify, then that would be an additional restriction
forbidden by the GPL. Some-other-licensed MP3 player might get by with
though. (However, it's not really in the spirit of Free / open source
Which means that it couldn't be included in Fedora (Core or Extras)
This doesn't look obvious to me. I know the way the GPL and Patents interact
is always a source of debate, but the GPL specifies "If, as a consequence of a
court judgment or allegation of patent infringement..., conditions are imposed
on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the
conditions of this License...". The whole point here would be to get
Fraunhofer to give 'written promise' to not sue the newly founded non-profit
Fedora Foundation, then there will not be any 'court judgments' or
'allegations' to speak of that would bother the GPL... See this interesting
read at http://www.phptr.com/articles/article.asp?p=353550&seqNum=14&rl=1
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