On Wed, 1 Jun 2005 22:24:26 -0500, W. Michael Petullo <mike@xxxxxxxx>
- Bugzilla #158657 Build totem's Mozilla plugin
- Bugzilla #127537 Free software applet viewer plugin
- Free software flash viewer?
I hate to say it, but intellectual property restrictions make the
multimedia software shipped with Fedora a joke, which I end up scrapping
and replacing with stuff that plays media I get off the street.
Ogg is great, for instance, and I rip CDs with ogg, but if I want to
listen to 99% of the audio streams out there, I need mp3, and that's a
matter of trashing the multimedia stuff that comes with Fedora and
replacing it. My flash mp3 player doesn't play ogg, and I'd rather
install some encoder software of questionably status than shell out
another $200 for one that does.
I know you can't really do anything about it, but this underlying
problem makes improvements to multimedia players on Fedora like
rearraigning the deck chairs on the titanic.
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