Re: Please BuildRequire python3-setuptools explicitly

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On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 11:19 PM Tomas Hrnciar <thrnciar@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello everyone,

there are plenty of Python packages in Fedora currently using setuptools at buildtime but not all of them are BuildRequiring it explicitly. This only works because python3-devel (transitively) depends on python3-setuptools.

We would like to kindly ask you to add explicit BuildRequires for python3-setuptools to packages where setuptools is used. It will help us with testing new versions of setuptools in the future or with decoupling Python and setuptools. Today, if we want to know if a package is using setuptools, we have to do `fedpkg prep` and use grep to search for setuptools. Using a repoquery is much more convenient.

Several packages can successfully build either with or without setuptools (they use try-except import and fallback to distutils from the standard library). Such packages are especially dangerous when not BuildRequiring setuptools -- they can produce different results depending on the presence of setuptools: either an .egg-info metadata directory (w/setuptools) or .egg-info text file (w/distutils). RPM has troubles when upgrading directories to files [1].

According to our grep based query on Fedora Rawhide, there are 621 known packages using setuptools without BuildRequiring it at this point:

Thank you very much for your help with this.

On behalf of python-setuptools maintainers,
Tomáš Hrnčiar

Maintainers by package: 
0ad                  ignatenkobrain pcpa pwalter 
APLpy                sergiopr skytux 
COPASI               sagitter 
OpenMolcas           jussilehtola 
ProDy                sagitter 
PyGreSQL             hhorak jmlich odubaj panovotn pkajaba pkubat praiskup 
PySolFC              sergiomb shlomif 
R2spec               pingou 
ViTables             tnorth zbyszek 
androguard           fab 
ansible-review       dcallagh ttrinks 
artifacts            fab 
borgmatic            heffer 
btrfs-sxbackup       thofmann 
bumpversion          duriantang jdornak 
cantoolz             fab 
cinch                greghellings 
commissaire-client   mbarnes smilner 
compose-utils        lsedlar 
condor               bbockelm bcotton eerlands matt matyas stevetraylen tstclair ttheisen valtri 
congruity            adamwill swt2c 
copr-messaging       schlupov 
copydeps             suve 
cppcheck             c72578 jussilehtola sgrubb 
cranc                lenkaseg 
crudini              apevec jruzicka pbrady 
cxxtest              mgieseki 
datanommer           ralph 
dblatex              alexlan jchaloup mjg 
dnstwist             suve 
dogtag-pki           cipherboy dmoluguw edewata kwright mharmsen vakwetu 
dolfin               limb zbyszek 
dot2tex              thofmann 
electrum             jonny 
expliot              fab 
fail2ban             atkac hobbes1069 jgu orion 
fedora-messaging     abompard 
file                 kdudka macermak odubaj svashisht vmihalko 
flatcam              dwrobel 
flawfinder           athoscr 
flent                adrian tohojo 
fontdump             pnemade 
fontforge            frixxon kevin pnemade 
fonttools            pnemade tagoh 
freeipa-healthcheck  abbra cheimes fcami mkosek pvoborni rcritten twoerner 
frescobaldi          limb 
gajim                michich 
gau2grid             jussilehtola 
gdal                 alexlan devrim jmlich mmahut neteler oliver orion pali praiskup smani volter 
gedit-plugin-editorconfig ferdnyc 
gfal2-python         adev andreamanzi gbitzes 
ginga                lupinix 
git-filter-repo      asn 
git-up               mhjacks 
gns3-gui             kwizart 
gns3-net-converter   kwizart 
gns3-server          kwizart nucleo 
gtimelog             amigadave 
h5py                 stevetraylen terjeros 
hashid               fab 
hgview               kiilerix 
home-assistant-cli   fab 
httpie               codeblock ralph 
inception            fab 
inkscape             duffy jgu limb lkundrak 
ioc-writer           fab 
irclog2html          fab 
isrcsubmit           amigadave 
koji                 ausil kevin mikem puiterwijk 
lammps               ellio167 junghans 
legendary            atim 
legofy               lkf williamjmorenor 
libCombine           sagitter 
libcaca              hubbitus slaanesh thias 
libolm               xvitaly 
librealsense         thofmann 
libreoffice          caolanm dtardon erack sbergmann 
libxc                jussilehtola 
lldb                 airlied daveisfera jankratochvil sergesanspaille siddharths tstellar 
llvm                 dmalcolm ignatenkobrain jakub jistone kyle scottt sergesanspaille siddharths tstellar 
llvm7.0              jistone petersen sergesanspaille tstellar 
llvm9.0              jistone sergesanspaille tstellar 
mercurial            kiilerix nbecker pstodulk 
mgarepo              misc ngompa 
minigalaxy           atim 
mkdocs-bootstrap     cheeselee 
mkdocs-cinder        cheeselee 
mkdocs-material      cheeselee 
mod_wsgi             jdornak jkaluza jorton lmacken mrunge 
modtools             dhodovsk phracek ttomecek 
modulemd-tools       frostyx 
moose                zbyszek 
mopidy-mpd           girst 
mozjs68              frantisekz kalev 
mpi4py               deji limb tomspur 
mypaint              avsej 
mysql-connector-python hhorak hubbitus hvad mschorm 
nodejs               mrunge patches piotrp sgallagh zvetlik 
nototools            mfabian pwu 
officeparser         rebus 
offlineimap          cicku dodji notting sergesanspaille teuf 
ogr2osm              musuruan 
opae                 aravuri nkorde trix 
openbabel            itamarjp jussilehtola rathann 
oval-graph           hony 
past-time            fab 
pcapy                limb 
pcp                  agerstmayr lberk mgoodwin nathans 
pcp2pdf              lberk mbaldessari 
pdfarranger          dreua fab fschwarz 
pdfposter            fab 
percol               hubbitus 
petsc                sagitter 
petsc4py             sagitter 
picard               alexlan cicku gbcox ohaessler 
pipsi                cstratak mstuchli 
pipx                 mhjacks 
pki-core             cipherboy dmoluguw edewata kwright mharmsen vakwetu 
poezio               fantom louizatakk 
porcupine            kushal 
portmidi             eeickmeyer mjg xavierb 
protonvpn-cli        jflory7 
prunerepo            clime frostyx 
py-bcrypt            kevin limb 
py3c                 pviktori 
pyaudio              chkr 
pybluez              limb 
pycolumnize          fab kushal 
pyephem              elwell orphan 
pygobject3           johnp nacho walters 
pygsl                jamatos 
pyhunspell           mfabian till 
pykka                fab 
pylast               fab peter 
pylibacl             frankcrawford kevin szpak 
pyodbc               fjanus hhorak 
pyosmium             tomh 
pyproj               jdekloe 
pyscard              sjenning 
pyserial             stingray 
pysubnettree         fab 
python-CommonMark    jujens 
python-GeoIP         pingou ralph sergiomb totol 
python-GridDataFormats rathann 
python-OBD           rathann 
python-PyLEMS        ankursinha 
python-Pyped         uggla 
python-Rtree         volter 
python-SALib         ankursinha 
python-acme          jhogarth nb 
python-acoustid      terjeros 
python-agate         jujens 
python-aiodns        fantom 
python-airspeed      ankursinha 
python-alsa          limb perex 
python-aniso8601     jsedlak kparal 
python-ansicolors    skisela 
python-apipkg        fab ktdreyer thm 
python-apprise       lead2gold 
python-apsw          cicku dfateyev maci 
python-arviz         sergiopr 
python-ase           besser82 marcindulak 
python-astral        fab 
python-astroplan     sergiopr 
python-astropy-healpix lupinix 
python-astroquery    lupinix 
python-astroscrappy  lupinix 
python-asttokens     zbyszek 
python-asyncssh      gsauthof 
python-audioread     terjeros 
python-autobahn      jujens 
python-autopep8      mrunge ndipanov 
python-babelfish     jorti 
python-basemap       jspaleta limb 
python-betamax-matchers fab 
python-betamax-serializers fab 
python-bigsuds       xavierb 
python-biopython     alexlan lbazan rathann sagitter 
python-bloom         cottsay rmattes 
python-blosc         tnorth zbyszek 
python-box           dmsimard 
python-btchip        jonny xenithorb 
python-cached_property adamwill immanetize 
python-cachetools    jeckersb 
python-cachez        eharney 
python-carbon        jsteffan piotrp 
python-ccdproc       lupinix 
python-certbot-apache jhogarth nb 
python-chai          kevin pingou ralph 
python-click-plugins qulogic 
python-cloud-sptheme kevin ralph 
python-cmigemo       hubbitus 
python-colorlog      fab 
python-colorspacious rathann 
python-conda-package-handling orion 
python-construct     moezroy terjeros 
python-contextlib2   abompard pingou ralph tjikkun 
python-convertdate   fab 
python-cookiecutter  wakko666 
python-coveralls     bcl 
python-crcelk        fab 
python-crochet       abompard 
python-css-parser    zbyszek 
python-dateparser    fab limb 
python-dbfread       jujens 
python-debrepo       ktdreyer 
python-decopatch     zbyszek 
python-descartes     qulogic 
python-dfdatetime    fab 
python-dialog        itamarjp mjakubicek noodles raphgro sundaram zbyszek 
python-diff-match-patch amigadave 
python-dijitso       zbyszek 
python-dill          sergiopr 
python-django        bkabrda churchyard jdornak mrunge rdopiera salimma sgallagh 
python-django-contact-form mrunge 
python-django-formtools jpena mrunge 
python-django-health-check dmsimard 
python-django-registration kumarpraveen 
python-django-reversion mrunge 
python-django-tagging jdornak mrunge piotrp 
python-django-tastypie bkabrda cquad mrunge stevetraylen 
python-djangoql      vkrizan 
python-docx          kushal124 
python-dpkt          mbaldessari 
python-dtfabric      fab 
python-duecredit     ankursinha 
python-dukpy         zbyszek 
python-dulwich       fab 
python-edgegrid      rohanpm 
python-editdistance  major 
python-editorconfig  barracks510 
python-efel          ankursinha 
python-emcee         sergiopr 
python-emoji         xvitaly 
python-enthought-sphinx-theme orion 
python-enzyme        jorti 
python-et_xmlfile    jujens 
python-etcd          mbarnes smilner 
python-faker         jorti 
python-fasteners     mrunge 
python-fastpurge     rohanpm 
python-feedgenerator ankursinha 
python-ffc           zbyszek 
python-fiat          fab 
python-fido2         orion 
python-fields        cottsay 
python-filetype      fab 
python-firkin        fab 
python-fisx          zbyszek 
python-fitsio        lupinix 
python-flake8-docstrings cottsay 
python-flask-gravatar devrim itamarjp 
python-flask-htmlmin devrim itamarjp 
python-flask-paranoid devrim itamarjp 
python-flask-rstpages rmarko 
python-flask-security devrim itamarjp 
python-flask-sphinx-themes devrim itamarjp 
python-formats       uggla 
python-fs            pnemade 
python-fsleyes       ankursinha 
python-fsleyes-props ankursinha 
python-fsleyes-widgets ankursinha 
python-fslpy         ankursinha 
python-fuse          jorti 
python-fypp          rathann 
python-geopandas     qulogic 
python-gevent        dcallagh ignatenkobrain orion skottler 
python-giacpy        sagitter 
python-glances-api   fab 
python-gsd           rathann 
python-guessit       jorti 
python-heapdict      qulogic 
python-hl7           ankursinha 
python-hole          fab 
python-html5-parser  kevin 
python-htmlmin       jujens 
python-humblewx      rickardlindberg 
python-hupper        kevin 
python-i3ipc         msimacek 
python-idstools      jtaylor marcindulak 
python-ifcfg         cottsay 
python-igraph        bstinson limb pingou 
python-img2pdf       gsauthof 
python-indexed_gzip  ankursinha 
python-inema         gsauthof 
python-inotify       jfilak stevetraylen terjeros 
python-inotify_simple praiskup 
python-instant       fab 
python-intervaltree  mikep 
python-ipykernel     churchyard pcpa 
python-ipyparallel   ellert 
python-iso-639       melmorabity 
python-iso3166       melmorabity 
python-javalang      fab 
python-jep           raphgro 
python-jinja2-cli    jujens 
python-jinja2-time   wakko666 
python-jnius         raphgro 
python-joblib        besser82 ignatenkobrain sergiopr 
python-journal-brief twaugh 
python-jsonmodels    oanson 
python-jsonrpclib    ihrachyshka jonny 
python-junit_xml     jhogarth 
python-kaitaistruct  rathann 
python-kdcproxy      rharwood 
python-kerberos      rcritten simo 
python-kitchen       kevin pingou ralph 
python-kiwisolver    qulogic 
python-klusta        ankursinha 
python-landslide     echevemaster 
python-lark-parser   totol 
python-leather       jujens 
python-libNeuroML    ankursinha 
python-libnacl       jonny sergiomb 
python-libsass       dormouse 
python-libusb1       jonny 
python-lmdb          pspacek 
python-logzero       somlo 
python-luftdaten     fab 
python-lunr          cheeselee 
python-m2r           nforro 
python-makefun       zbyszek 
python-mapnik        tomh 
python-markdown2     thm 
python-matplotlib-scalebar ankursinha 
python-mdp           zbyszek 
python-mdx_gh_links  cheeselee 
python-meld3         kevin stevetraylen tsao 
python-metakernel    ellert 
python-metar         jdekloe thias 
python-migen         somlo 
python-minibelt      uggla 
python-mmtf          rathann 
python-mnemonic      jonny 
python-mongoquery    mkrizek 
python-more-executors rohanpm 
python-more-itertools aarem churchyard jcaratzas 
python-music21       zbyszek 
python-mutagen       cicku ignatenkobrain mbaldessari moezroy 
python-mwclient      adamwill rdieter tuxbrewr 
python-myhdl         filiperosset 
python-mystrom       fab 
python-ndg_httpsclient churchyard fschwarz itamarjp noodles 
python-netdata       fab 
python-networkmanager jdulaney 
python-neurodsp      major 
python-nilearn       ankursinha 
python-nistats       ankursinha 
python-nitime        ankursinha 
python-nixio         ankursinha 
python-nmrglue       nonamedotc 
python-node-semver   xvitaly 
python-notario       ktdreyer 
python-oauth2        ignatenkobrain pjp spot sundaram 
python-octave-kernel qulogic 
python-odml          major 
python-oletools      rebus robert 
python-opendata-transport fab 
python-openoffice    sharkcz 
python-opensensemap-api fab 
python-paho-mqtt     fab 
python-pandas-datareader sergiopr 
python-partd         qulogic 
python-paste-script  andreamanzi dcallagh 
python-patch-ng      xvitaly 
python-pathlib2      pcpa 
python-patsy         sergiopr 
python-pbkdf2        jonny 
python-pcodedmp      robert 
python-pdfrw         fschwarz sergiopr slaanesh 
python-pecan-notario ktdreyer 
python-pelican       firemanxbr mrunge 
python-pep8-naming   qulogic 
python-periodictable sagitter 
python-persist-queue eharney 
python-petlink       ankursinha 
python-pexpect       amcnabb fabiand ignatenkobrain radez swt2c tomspur 
python-photutils     sergiopr 
python-pingouin      ankursinha 
python-pkginfo       decathorpe fab pcreech17 
python-plaster-pastedeploy abompard 
python-play-scraper  fab 
python-plumbum       greghellings lorenzodalrio 
python-pocketlint    jkonecny vtrefny 
python-polib         cicku dchen diegobz dshea ivazquez moezroy suanand 
python-poyo          wakko666 
python-prawcore      fab 
python-precis_i18n   michich 
python-proteus       sharkcz 
python-psutil        salimma 
python-publicsuffix2 rathann 
python-pulsectl      pfrields 
python-pvc           raphgro 
python-pycares       fantom 
python-pycha         potty sharkcz 
python-pycosat       orion 
python-pycurl        jsynacek kdudka msekleta svashisht 
python-pydocstyle    tadej 
python-pyeclib       hguemar zaitcev 
python-pyelectro     ankursinha 
python-pyemd         ankursinha 
python-pygeoip       kevin ralph 
python-pylatex       ankursinha 
python-pylons-sphinx-themes abompard 
python-pymatreader   ankursinha 
python-pyotp         icon 
python-pypcapkit     fab 
python-pypet         ankursinha 
python-pypng         kevin ralph 
python-pypubsub      swt2c 
python-pyramid_sawing abompard 
python-pyrfc3339     fschwarz itamarjp jhogarth noodles 
python-pysb          zbyszek 
python-pysignals     kni 
python-pysrt         jorti 
python-pytelegrambotapi xvitaly 
python-pytest-aiohttp fab 
python-pytest-astropy-header sergiopr 
python-pytest-benchmark jorti 
python-pytest-cases  zbyszek 
python-pytest-faulthandler dkrejci lbalhar 
python-pytest-fixture-config kevin 
python-pytest-forked swt2c 
python-pytest-harvest zbyszek 
python-pytest-lazy-fixture ankursinha 
python-pytest-mock   jujens 
python-pytest-repeat cottsay 
python-pytest-shutil kevin 
python-pytest-steps  zbyszek 
python-pytest-timeout swt2c 
python-pytest-tornado qulogic 
python-pytest-vcr    limb 
python-pytest-virtualenv kevin 
python-pytest-watch  jujens 
python-pytest-xdist  swt2c 
python-pyvit         fab 
python-pyvo          lupinix 
python-queuelib      fab 
python-rarfile       fab 
python-rebulk        jorti 
python-recommonmark  jujens 
python-relatorio     sharkcz 
python-rencode       jgu orion patches 
python-reportlab     sagitter 
python-represent     dkrejci lbalhar 
python-reproject     lupinix 
python-requests-cache codeblock hobbes1069 
python-requests-futures fab 
python-restructuredtext-lint jujens 
python-retrying      apevec 
python-retryz        eharney 
python-rmtest        lberk mgoodwin nathans 
python-rope          nonamedotc 
python-rosdep        cottsay rmattes thofmann 
python-rpmautospec   asaleh nphilipp 
python-sanction      kevin ralph 
python-scales        filabrazilska lbalhar lkundrak 
python-scikit-learn  besser82 ignatenkobrain lupinix sergiopr 
python-sciunit       ankursinha 
python-scrapy        echevemaster
python-setuptools-lint jdulaney 
python-shamir-mnemonic jonny 
python-sieve         kevin ondrejj ralph 
python-simplemediawiki lmacken potty ralph 
python-simpleparse   grover mlombard 
python-slixmpp       fantom louizatakk 
python-snappy        jujens 
python-social-auth-core cqi 
python-soupsieve     zbyszek 
python-spdx          jbertozzi 
python-spdx-lookup   jbertozzi 
python-sphinxcontrib-issuetracker orion 
python-sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter belegdol 
python-sql           sharkcz 
python-ssdeep        suve 
python-statsd        pabelanger tdecacqu 
python-statsmodels   sergiopr 
python-steps         ankursinha 
python-subliminal    jorti 
python-suds          jortel swt2c 
python-sybil         fab 
python-tables        tnorth zbyszek 
python-tasklib       ankursinha 
python-tblib         qulogic 
python-tbtrim        fab 
python-tempdir       rathann 
python-testfixtures  fab 
python-testing.postgresql ekulik mmarusak msuchy 
python-timeout-decorator jcapitao 
python-tinycss2      brouhaha fschwarz 
python-tinydb        suanand 
python-toml          jujens 
python-tortilla      uggla 
python-tree-format   chedi wakko666 
python-trezor        jonny 
python-twilio        mich181189 
python-txaio         jujens 
python-ufl           fab 
python-unidecode     pjp sundaram 
python-unidiff       dcallagh 
python-upt-cpan      jbertozzi 
python-upt-fedora    jbertozzi 
python-upt-pypi      jbertozzi 
python-upt-rubygems  jbertozzi 
python-urwidtrees    ttomecek 
python-validators    fab 
python-varlink       harald 
python-virtualenv-clone ralph tadej 
python-volkszaehler  fab 
python-wand          barracks510 
python-watchdog      jsteffan jujens pingou 
python-webcolors     dridi 
python-webencodings  abompard 
python-webpy         mrunge 
python-webthing-ws   fab 
python-winrm         jhogarth 
python-wloc          xvitaly 
python-wsaccel       jujens 
python-xlib          jspaleta orion potty 
python-xlwt          leamas moezroy rathann 
python-xml2rfc       pwouters 
python-xmltodict     fab ralph 
python-xvfbwrapper   mrunge totol 
python-zeep          gsauthof 
python-zict          qulogic 
python-zodbpickle    jjames 
python-zstandard     rathann 
python3-exiv2        asn 
python3-mallard-ducktype amigadave 
python3-poppler-qt5  limb 
python3-pytest-asyncio jujens 
python3-saml         dcallagh 
pyusb                limb 
pyxattr              defolos frankcrawford kevin szpak 
qemu                 amitshah berrange bonzini crobinso dwmw2 ehabkost jforbes lkundrak quintela rjones 
rdiff-backup         frankcrawford kevin 
rdkit                giallu 
rpl                  timj 
rpmdeplint           dcallagh frantisekz mvadkert 
rpmspectool          nphilipp 
rst2txt              fab 
salt                 dmurphy18 
samba                abbra anoopcs asn gd iboukris jarrpa jlayton jstephen obnox simo 
scribus              pwalter sharkcz tripledes 
sentencepiece        kenhys 
sepolicy_analysis    vmojzis 
seqan                sagitter 
shyaml               thofmann 
solaar               brouhaha rathann richardfearn tibbs 
solarwolf            limb 
sos-collector        turboturtle 
spec2scl             jstanek 
spglib               sagitter 
spyder               nonamedotc thozza 
starcal              hedayat 
stomppy              stevetraylen 
swid-tools           adelton 
swift-lang           tachoknight 
sympy                cbm jjames jussilehtola orion 
texlive-base         spot 
thonny               aivarannamaa churchyard 
thrift               ctubbsii milleruntime orion 
tortoisehg           kiilerix nbecker 
tpm2-pkcs11          jjelen pbrobinson 
translate-toolkit    cicku dwayne petersen suanand 
tryton               sharkcz 
trytond              sharkcz 
trytond-account      sharkcz 
trytond-account-be   sharkcz 
trytond-account-de-skr03 sharkcz 
trytond-account-invoice sharkcz 
trytond-account-invoice-history sharkcz 
trytond-account-invoice-line-standalone sharkcz 
trytond-account-product sharkcz 
trytond-account-statement sharkcz 
trytond-account-stock-anglo-saxon sharkcz 
trytond-account-stock-continental sharkcz 
trytond-analytic-account sharkcz 
trytond-analytic-invoice sharkcz 
trytond-analytic-purchase sharkcz 
trytond-analytic-sale sharkcz 
trytond-company      sharkcz 
trytond-company-work-time sharkcz 
trytond-country      sharkcz 
trytond-currency     sharkcz 
trytond-dashboard    sharkcz 
trytond-google-maps  sharkcz 
trytond-ldap-authentication sharkcz 
trytond-party        sharkcz 
trytond-party-siret  sharkcz 
trytond-product      sharkcz 
trytond-product-cost-fifo sharkcz 
trytond-product-cost-history sharkcz 
trytond-product-price-list sharkcz 
trytond-project      sharkcz 
trytond-project-plan sharkcz 
trytond-project-revenue sharkcz 
trytond-purchase     sharkcz 
trytond-purchase-invoice-line-standalone sharkcz 
trytond-sale         sharkcz 
trytond-sale-opportunity sharkcz 
trytond-sale-price-list sharkcz 
trytond-stock        sharkcz 
trytond-stock-forecast sharkcz 
trytond-stock-inventory-location sharkcz 
trytond-stock-location-sequence sharkcz 
trytond-stock-product-location sharkcz 
trytond-stock-supply sharkcz 
trytond-stock-supply-day sharkcz 
trytond-timesheet    sharkcz 
uhd                  jskarvad 
upt                  jbertozzi 
uwsgi                kad 
wafw00f              fab 
wine-mono            mooninite 
winpdb               spot 
xortool              fab 
xrootd               ellert simonm 
xtensor-python       sergesanspaille 
yawn                 jsafrane miminar vcrhonek 
yubikey-manager      gbcox sjenning 
Packages by maintainer: 
aarem      python-more-itertools 
abbra      freeipa-healthcheck samba 
abompard   fedora-messaging python-contextlib2 python-crochet python-plaster-pastedeploy python-pylons-sphinx-themes python-pyramid_sawing python-webencodings 
adamwill   congruity python-cached_property python-mwclient 
adelton    swid-tools 
adev       gfal2-python 
adrian     flent 
agerstmayr pcp 
airlied    lldb 
aivarannamaa thonny 
alexlan    dblatex gdal picard python-biopython 
amcnabb    python-pexpect 
amigadave  gtimelog isrcsubmit python-diff-match-patch python3-mallard-ducktype 
amitshah   qemu 
andreamanzi gfal2-python python-paste-script 
ankursinha python-PyLEMS python-SALib python-airspeed python-duecredit python-efel python-feedgenerator python-fsleyes python-fsleyes-props python-fsleyes-widgets python-fslpy python-hl7 python-indexed_gzip python-klusta python-libNeuroML python-matplotlib-scalebar python-nilearn python-nistats python-nitime python-nixio python-petlink python-pingouin python-pyelectro python-pyemd python-pylatex python-pymatreader python-pypet python-pytest-lazy-fixture python-sciunit python-steps python-tasklib 
anoopcs    samba 
apevec     crudini python-retrying 
aravuri    opae 
asaleh     python-rpmautospec 
asn        git-filter-repo python3-exiv2 samba 
athoscr    flawfinder 
atim       legendary minigalaxy 
atkac      fail2ban 
ausil      koji 
avsej      mypaint 
barracks510 python-editorconfig python-wand 
bbockelm   condor 
bcl        python-coveralls 
bcotton    condor 
belegdol   python-sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter 
berrange   qemu 
besser82   python-ase python-joblib python-scikit-learn 
bkabrda    python-django python-django-tastypie 
bonzini    qemu 
brouhaha   python-tinycss2 solaar 
bstinson   python-igraph 
c72578     cppcheck 
caolanm    libreoffice 
cbm        sympy 
chedi      python-tree-format 
cheeselee  mkdocs-bootstrap mkdocs-cinder mkdocs-material python-lunr python-mdx_gh_links 
cheimes    freeipa-healthcheck 
chkr       pyaudio 
churchyard python-django python-ipykernel python-more-itertools python-ndg_httpsclient thonny 
cicku      offlineimap picard python-apsw python-mutagen python-polib translate-toolkit 
cipherboy  dogtag-pki pki-core 
clime      prunerepo 
codeblock  httpie python-requests-cache 
cottsay    python-bloom python-fields python-flake8-docstrings python-ifcfg python-pytest-repeat python-rosdep 
cqi        python-social-auth-core 
cquad      python-django-tastypie 
crobinso   qemu 
cstratak   pipsi
ctubbsii   thrift 
daveisfera lldb 
dcallagh   ansible-review python-gevent python-paste-script python-unidiff python3-saml rpmdeplint 
dchen      python-polib 
decathorpe python-pkginfo 
defolos    pyxattr 
deji       mpi4py 
devrim     gdal python-flask-gravatar python-flask-htmlmin python-flask-paranoid python-flask-security python-flask-sphinx-themes 
dfateyev   python-apsw 
dhodovsk   modtools 
diegobz    python-polib 
dkrejci    python-pytest-faulthandler python-represent 
dmalcolm   llvm 
dmoluguw   dogtag-pki pki-core 
dmsimard   python-box python-django-health-check 
dmurphy18  salt 
dodji      offlineimap 
dormouse   python-libsass 
dreua      pdfarranger 
dridi      python-webcolors 
dshea      python-polib 
dtardon    libreoffice 
duffy      inkscape 
duriantang bumpversion 
dwayne     translate-toolkit 
dwmw2      qemu 
dwrobel    flatcam 
echevemaster python-landslide python-scrapy 
edewata    dogtag-pki pki-core 
eeickmeyer portmidi 
eerlands   condor 
ehabkost   qemu 
eharney    python-cachez python-persist-queue python-retryz 
ekulik     python-testing.postgresql 
ellert     python-ipyparallel python-metakernel xrootd 
ellio167   lammps 
elwell     pyephem 
erack      libreoffice 
fab        androguard artifacts cantoolz expliot hashid home-assistant-cli inception ioc-writer irclog2html past-time pdfarranger pdfposter pycolumnize pykka pylast pysubnettree python-apipkg python-astral python-betamax-matchers python-betamax-serializers python-colorlog python-convertdate python-crcelk python-dateparser python-dfdatetime python-dtfabric python-dulwich python-fiat python-filetype python-firkin python-glances-api python-hole python-instant python-javalang python-luftdaten python-mystrom python-netdata python-opendata-transport python-opensensemap-api python-paho-mqtt python-pkginfo python-play-scraper python-prawcore python-pypcapkit python-pytest-aiohttp python-pyvit python-queuelib python-rarfile python-requests-futures python-sybil python-tbtrim python-testfixtures python-ufl python-validators python-volkszaehler python-webthing-ws python-xmltodict rst2txt wafw00f xortool 
fabiand    python-pexpect 
fantom     poezio python-aiodns python-pycares python-slixmpp 
fcami      freeipa-healthcheck 
ferdnyc    gedit-plugin-editorconfig 
filabrazilska python-scales 
filiperosset python-myhdl 
firemanxbr python-pelican 
fjanus     pyodbc 
frankcrawford pylibacl pyxattr rdiff-backup 
frantisekz mozjs68 rpmdeplint 
frixxon    fontforge 
frostyx    modulemd-tools prunerepo 
fschwarz   pdfarranger python-ndg_httpsclient python-pdfrw python-pyrfc3339 python-tinycss2 
gbcox      picard yubikey-manager 
gbitzes    gfal2-python 
gd         samba 
giallu     rdkit 
girst      mopidy-mpd 
greghellings cinch python-plumbum 
grover     python-simpleparse 
gsauthof   python-asyncssh python-img2pdf python-inema python-zeep 
harald     python-varlink 
hedayat    starcal 
heffer     borgmatic 
hguemar    python-pyeclib 
hhorak     PyGreSQL mysql-connector-python pyodbc 
hobbes1069 fail2ban python-requests-cache 
hony       oval-graph 
hubbitus   libcaca mysql-connector-python percol python-cmigemo 
hvad       mysql-connector-python 
iboukris   samba 
icon       python-pyotp 
ignatenkobrain 0ad llvm python-gevent python-joblib python-mutagen python-oauth2 python-pexpect python-scikit-learn 
ihrachyshka python-jsonrpclib 
immanetize python-cached_property 
itamarjp   openbabel python-dialog python-flask-gravatar python-flask-htmlmin python-flask-paranoid python-flask-security python-flask-sphinx-themes python-ndg_httpsclient python-pyrfc3339 
ivazquez   python-polib 
jakub      llvm 
jamatos    pygsl 
jankratochvil lldb 
jarrpa     samba 
jbertozzi  python-spdx python-spdx-lookup python-upt-cpan python-upt-fedora python-upt-pypi python-upt-rubygems upt 
jcapitao   python-timeout-decorator 
jcaratzas  python-more-itertools 
jchaloup   dblatex 
jdekloe    pyproj python-metar 
jdornak    bumpversion mod_wsgi python-django python-django-tagging 
jdulaney   python-networkmanager python-setuptools-lint 
jeckersb   python-cachetools 
jfilak     python-inotify 
jflory7    protonvpn-cli 
jforbes    qemu 
jgu        fail2ban inkscape python-rencode 
jhogarth   python-acme python-certbot-apache python-junit_xml python-pyrfc3339 python-winrm 
jistone    llvm llvm7.0 llvm9.0 
jjames     python-zodbpickle sympy 
jjelen     tpm2-pkcs11 
jkaluza    mod_wsgi 
jkonecny   python-pocketlint 
jlayton    samba 
jmlich     PyGreSQL gdal 
johnp      pygobject3 
jonny      electrum python-btchip python-jsonrpclib python-libnacl python-libusb1 python-mnemonic python-pbkdf2 python-shamir-mnemonic python-trezor 
jortel     python-suds 
jorti      python-babelfish python-enzyme python-faker python-fuse python-guessit python-pysrt python-pytest-benchmark python-rebulk python-subliminal 
jorton     mod_wsgi 
jpena      python-django-formtools 
jruzicka   crudini 
jsafrane   yawn 
jsedlak    python-aniso8601 
jskarvad   uhd 
jspaleta   python-basemap python-xlib 
jstanek    spec2scl 
jsteffan   python-carbon python-watchdog 
jstephen   samba 
jsynacek   python-pycurl 
jtaylor    python-idstools 
jujens     python-CommonMark python-agate python-autobahn python-dbfread python-et_xmlfile python-htmlmin python-jinja2-cli python-leather python-pytest-mock python-pytest-watch python-recommonmark python-restructuredtext-lint python-snappy python-toml python-txaio python-watchdog python-wsaccel python3-pytest-asyncio 
junghans   lammps 
jussilehtola OpenMolcas cppcheck gau2grid libxc openbabel sympy 
kad        uwsgi 
kalev      mozjs68 
kdudka     file python-pycurl 
kenhys     sentencepiece 
kevin      fontforge koji py-bcrypt pylibacl python-chai python-cloud-sptheme python-html5-parser python-hupper python-kitchen python-meld3 python-pygeoip python-pypng python-pytest-fixture-config python-pytest-shutil python-pytest-virtualenv python-sanction python-sieve pyxattr rdiff-backup 
kiilerix   hgview mercurial tortoisehg 
kni        python-pysignals 
kparal     python-aniso8601 
ktdreyer   python-apipkg python-debrepo python-notario python-pecan-notario 
kumarpraveen python-django-registration 
kushal     porcupine pycolumnize 
kushal124  python-docx 
kwizart    gns3-gui gns3-net-converter gns3-server 
kwright    dogtag-pki pki-core 
kyle       llvm 
lbalhar    python-pytest-faulthandler python-represent python-scales 
lbazan     python-biopython 
lberk      pcp pcp2pdf python-rmtest 
lead2gold  python-apprise 
leamas     python-xlwt 
lenkaseg   cranc 
limb       dolfin frescobaldi inkscape mpi4py pcapy py-bcrypt pybluez python-alsa python-basemap python-dateparser python-igraph python-pytest-vcr python3-poppler-qt5 pyusb solarwolf 
lkf        legofy 
lkundrak   inkscape python-scales qemu 
lmacken    mod_wsgi python-simplemediawiki 
lorenzodalrio python-plumbum 
louizatakk poezio python-slixmpp 
lsedlar    compose-utils 
lupinix    ginga python-astropy-healpix python-astroquery python-astroscrappy python-ccdproc python-fitsio python-pyvo python-reproject python-scikit-learn 
macermak   file 
maci       python-apsw 
major      python-editdistance python-neurodsp python-odml 
marcindulak python-ase python-idstools 
matt       condor 
matyas     condor 
mbaldessari pcp2pdf python-dpkt python-mutagen 
mbarnes    commissaire-client python-etcd 
melmorabity python-iso-639 python-iso3166 
mfabian    nototools pyhunspell 
mgieseki   cxxtest 
mgoodwin   pcp python-rmtest 
mharmsen   dogtag-pki pki-core 
mhjacks    git-up pipx 
mich181189 python-twilio 
michich    gajim python-precis_i18n 
mikem      koji 
mikep      python-intervaltree 
milleruntime thrift 
miminar    yawn 
misc       mgarepo 
mjakubicek python-dialog 
mjg        dblatex portmidi 
mkosek     freeipa-healthcheck 
mkrizek    python-mongoquery 
mlombard   python-simpleparse 
mmahut     gdal 
mmarusak   python-testing.postgresql 
moezroy    python-construct python-mutagen python-polib python-xlwt 
mooninite  wine-mono 
mrunge     mod_wsgi nodejs python-autopep8 python-django python-django-contact-form python-django-formtools python-django-reversion python-django-tagging python-django-tastypie python-fasteners python-pelican python-webpy python-xvfbwrapper 
mschorm    mysql-connector-python 
msekleta   python-pycurl 
msimacek   python-i3ipc 
mstuchli   pipsi 
msuchy     python-testing.postgresql 
musuruan   ogr2osm 
mvadkert   rpmdeplint 
nacho      pygobject3 
nathans    pcp python-rmtest 
nb         python-acme python-certbot-apache 
nbecker    mercurial tortoisehg 
ndipanov   python-autopep8 
neteler    gdal 
nforro     python-m2r 
ngompa     mgarepo 
nkorde     opae 
nonamedotc python-nmrglue python-rope spyder 
noodles    python-dialog python-ndg_httpsclient python-pyrfc3339 
notting    offlineimap 
nphilipp   python-rpmautospec rpmspectool 
nucleo     gns3-server 
oanson     python-jsonmodels 
obnox      samba 
odubaj     PyGreSQL file 
ohaessler  picard 
oliver     gdal 
ondrejj    python-sieve 
orion      fail2ban gdal python-conda-package-handling python-enthought-sphinx-theme python-fido2 python-gevent python-pycosat python-rencode python-sphinxcontrib-issuetracker python-xlib sympy thrift 
orphan     pyephem 
pabelanger python-statsd 
pali       gdal 
panovotn   PyGreSQL 
patches    nodejs python-rencode 
pbrady     crudini 
pbrobinson tpm2-pkcs11 
pcpa       0ad python-ipykernel python-pathlib2 
pcreech17  python-pkginfo 
perex      python-alsa 
peter      pylast 
petersen   llvm7.0 translate-toolkit 
pfrields   python-pulsectl 
phracek    modtools 
pingou     R2spec python-GeoIP python-chai python-contextlib2 python-igraph python-kitchen python-watchdog 
piotrp     nodejs python-carbon python-django-tagging 
pjp        python-oauth2 python-unidecode 
pkajaba    PyGreSQL 
pkubat     PyGreSQL 
pnemade    fontdump fontforge fonttools python-fs 

I have updated fontdump, fonttools and python-fs but fontforge does not need any update, there is some code which is not used to build this package.

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