Re: Fedora 33 System-Wide Change proposal: ELN Buildroot and Compose

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On 25. 03. 20 17:10, Miro Hrončok wrote:
Finally, of the set of packages that we're going to be including, we
anticipate around 200-300 of them will have distro conditionals that
need investigation (with fewer needing actual modification). The ELN
SIG will be doing this initial investigation and will provide guidance
(and/or PRs) to affected packagers.
My concerns still remain, although I am now not so scared that this will 
alienate the community. Now the concern is more personal (= previously I was 
worried that everybody will be encouraged to use the conditionals, while now I'm 
mostly concerned they I will be encouraged to use the conditionals).
Also, to make this more clear:

I am not worried about the conditionals because I would need to maintain them.

I am worried that "my" packages will be harder to co-maintain (or generally changed) by people from the community.
As an example, I will know the RHEL 9 (10, 11...) plans and I can structure my 
specs accordingly. However if there is a passionate Fedora contributor who would 
like so submit a Pull Request for e.g. python-virtualenv to update it to a new 
fancy version that does things differently, they are not familiar about our RHEL 
plans and they would not be capable to wrap their head around such conditionals. 
They would also need to rebase any RHEL-only patches for this to work. At the 
end, they are more likely to just go away and not do it at all.

Miro Hrončok
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IRC: mhroncok
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