On Thu, 2005-03-03 at 22:24 -0500, Matthew Miller wrote: > On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 09:55:54PM -0500, David Cary Hart wrote: > > No. What has been widely discussed is the elimination of the pre- > > compiled kernel-source. HOWEVER, I have always been able to compile the > > kernel-source myself from the src.rpm. The current src.rpm does not have > > the code necessary for creating kernel-source. There is no way to > > customize the FC4 kernel without hacking the config files which is a > > VERY bad idea. > > I don't get it -- you're already rebuilding the kernel source RPM. Why is it > even a slightly bad idea to add your customizations at that level? Sounds > like a _excellent_ idea, in fact. > The config files, themselves have a "DO NOT EDIT" legend. Text editing these is perilous because they are ambiguous. Moreover, using the Linux tools (make config or make menuconfig) eliminates the potential for selecting mutually exclusive options. In addition, the Linux tools automatically add dependent options. You cannot do either by editing a text file. Kernel rpm builds are different from most other rpm builds. In most other cases, customizing the package means customizing the ./configure options which are clearly apparent in the spec file. That's simply not the case with kernels. > -- > Matthew Miller mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx <http://www.mattdm.org/> > Boston University Linux ------> <http://linux.bu.edu/> -- Total Quality Management - A Commitment to Excellence Fight Spam: http://www.tqmcube.com/rbldnsd.htm Daily Updates: rsync -t \ tqmcube.com::spamlists/[README.htm][clients][dynamic][relays][asiaspam] http://www.tqmcube.com/spam_trap.htm