Re: Fedora Lifecycles: imagine longer-term possibilities

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Dne 16. 11. 18 v 0:54 Jason Tibbitts napsal(a):
>>>>>> "MM" == Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> MM> Let's talk about something new and exciting.
> I assume that you mean "very much not new and about as exciting as the
> fifteenth viewing of an episode of the Joy of Painting".
> I know it's been a while.  Maybe it's been long enough that a
> significant number of the developers here don't remember it.  I am
> pretty sure you were around, though, so I do hope you have some
> recollection of it.  Put simply, Fedora has had this discussion before.
> A number of times.  Going back to FC1 and what the release cycle would
> look like.  At one point it was basically an endless thread that lasted
> the better part of a year.
> For the life of me I simply can't remember the various proposals called
> their releases, though.
> One example of what I'm talking about is
> but that came after I stopped paying attention to this kind of thing.
> In the end the discussions I recall seemed to come down to a few basic
> things.
> 1) A lot of people would love to consume such a release.
> 2) Not nearly as many actual maintainers would want to do so.
> 3) At minimum, we need a kernel.  Which means we need a kernel team.  I
>    doubt the current kernel team would be any more enthusiastic about
>    either backporting everything, maintaining packages of the extended
>    lifetime kernel packages (assuming those even line up with the
>    release schedule) or pushing the current kernel back to the
>    equivalent of... Fedora 25 or so.
> 4) Someone has to do release engineering.  Even in the earlier days this
>    was seen as something that wasn't going to happen.
> My recollection is that meaningful discussion usually stopped at the
> kernel issue.  At one point we had some basic agreement that people who
> cared were welcome to push to old branches of things to keep them going,
> but that was back when we had per-branch ACLs.  But that never happened,
> and as there was no effort to actually compose updates for those
> releases, it doesn't matter much anyway.
> And now we're bigger, and there are more big systems that would need
> maintenance.  Oh, and we have a security team now; they'd have to deal
> with issues in those old releases.  And more big package sets like
> Python and Node and Go and whatever, some of which amount to a larger
> number of packages than made up the entirety of one of the old Fedora
> releases.  Hello, Python SIG?  Good luck finally getting rid of
> python2.  You get two more years of support backporting security fixes
> and you don't even get paid for it.
> And to add in an additional argument that we didn't have a decade ago:
> We're actually trying to evolve our packaging now.  EPEL with it's "old
> RPM never changes" restriction is bad enough but fortunately limited in
> scope.  Having years of Fedora releases that can never evolve but which
> still hold back progress in Rawhide is just too much.

Nice summary.

> Really, this is what our downstream distributions RHEL and CentOS are
> for.  That was the answer then and I don't see why it doesn't still
> apply.
> MM> How would we balance this with getting people new stuff fast as
> MM> well?
> Wait, what?  Certainly you're not suggesting trying to do an extended
> lifecycle that also gets all the new stuff.  That's seems like a
> contradiction in terms.

This last paragraph you could already apply to EPEL and this is
specifically reason why I don't bother to maintain anything in EPEL.

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