Yes, but with exim you don't need to run make. You just edit the config file and you're done.
So typing "make" is hard for someone who's able to use a text editor?
Currently sendmail is launched via a symlink used to enable MTA switching. I suppose one could add more indirection and invoke it by a script that runs Make first.
Really? I disagree. I hardly know anything about mail servers, yet I exim allows me to run spam and virus checking by simply uncommenting one line. And unlike sendmail, I didn't have to explicitly enable outside connections.
So should RH ship sendmail's config set to accept incoming connections, or close Exim for workstation users who have no business receiving SMTP connections? That's a packaging bug, not a usability issue; one of the packages is shipped with the wrong setting.
If uncommenting a line to enable inbound connections is "hard" for a newbie sendmail user, wouldn't the same action to enable scanning in Exim be just as hard?
Sure, but a user needs to know what a milter entry is right? And how to set it up to do what you need it to do, etc. I don't have a clue what a milter entry is.
milter = mail filter. A sendmail plug-in. It gets called for each step of the SMTP conversation. Milters exist for several AV's and spam scanners, and MIMEDefang lets you run arbitrary Perl to perform complex matching and decisions.