On Tue, 2005-02-22 at 16:23 -0500, Jeff Spaleta wrote:You have a KDE cd and a game cd... which cd has the kde game you want? Items can and will be intuitive members of multiple simple labels.
Sure, you're going to have some overlap, but in general this could be solved without too much pain. For example, gnome-games and kde-games are, at the end of the day, games so put them on the games disk. If the user really wants them and expected them on the Gnome or KDE disk, then all they have to do is yum install them, so no biggy (as far as I'm concerned). I'd much prefer to only have to download half the volume of four disks (even if it still involved four disks) and then hvae to yum install a couple of packages (using that tasty GUI yum tool that's planned) than have to download a whole bunch of stuff I don't intend to use just for the sake of 'simplicity'.
Except that now my games cd depends on both the gnome disc and the kde disc. So I don't have a deterministic way to tell what CDs I need again. So now I'm back to where I basically end up needing all the CDs. Or I sometimes need all of them. And I don't know until I select my packages.