Dear list,
There is an ongoing thread in debian-devel on their Standards-Version
usage. Reading this, it strikes me that Fedora lacks this info.
The basic package lifecycle is that it is reviewed to current standards,
and after that start lagging from the actual standards. To which extent
depends on the maintainer.
Debian addresses this by actually versioning their guidelines, and
tracking the last version checked in the package. There are checklists
how to update between each version of the standard.
Could we learn anything from this? Fedora is not a rolling distribution,
but the guidelines are. Would it be a good idea to actually provide
versions of the guidelines? To track the last version checked in the
If not for anything else., it would certainly make the life of
fedora-review maintainers easier. That said, I'm turning a blind eye to
the obvious technical hassles versioning a wiki.
Just my 5 öre
devel mailing list