On Saturday 18 December 2004 00:41, Michael Schwendt wrote: > > In the meantime, give the fedora-rmdevelrpms tool a try: > > http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/HOWTOFindMissingBuildRequires I'm using a slightly modified mach which seems to be described on that page as a better way for checking for buildrequirements. > It's included in the fedora-develrpms package. It finds and uninstalls > a lot of development packages automatically, but at the same depends > on a minimal set of other development packages which stay installed. > > It's a good start, although depending on what you have installed, you > may see that it fails to uninstall gettext and m4 and any of their > dependencies. I tryed it but it indeed can't uninstall some stuff. I also can't use this regularly on my laptop because i use my laptop for my work.. i need a lot of those packages installed all the time. The list given by Cristian Gafton contains quite a lot more.. ( 'base' and 'development-tools' from the comps.xml file). For example it contains already m4, bison, automake, flex and 40 -devel packages. The full list of packages of a base fc3 machroot + yum + comps + the groups base and development tools follows. kind regards, Dries Verachtert tzdata termcap e2fsprogs gawk fedora-release psmisc libacl libstdc++ util-linux hwdata less readline procps mingetty pam openssl beecrypt rpm yum libselinux expat fontconfig diffutils hesiod zlib-devel lockdev audiofile rhpl kudzu bluez-libs cups-libs shared-mime-info logrotate syslinux time openssl-devel boost guile esound redhat-menus pyOpenSSL libstdc++-devel mailx wireless-tools libattr-devel mkbootdisk dump boost-devel netdump bluez-hcidump diskdumputils authconfig netconfig nss_db expat-devel python-devel lftp mgetty nano bluez-bluefw texinfo talk telnetcdecl pam_krb5 eject rsh pkgconfig rcs cryptsetup doxygen finger man-pages tmpwatch xorg-x11-libs libbonobo libgnome libbonoboui perl-XML-NamespaceSupport ypbindlibgnomeui ppp cups gcc valgrind perl-libwww-perl aspell-en perl-XML-Encoding setools NetworkManager memprof system-config-securitylevel-tui selinux-policy-targeted acpid ipsec-tools ncurses-devel cvs logwatch passwd cyrus-sasl-devel up2date redhat-lsb system-config-network-tui setup basesystem glibc-common glibc libtermcap ncurses info pcre sed iputils iproute libattr cracklib cracklib-dicts db4 poptcpio MAKEDEV usbutils udev gzip device-mapper lvm2 mkinitrd libsepol ethtool net-tools coreutils krb5-libs openssh openssh-server bzip2-libs rpm-libs elfutils gmp python comps bash libxml2 atk dbus freetype libart_lgpl dbus-glib make libpng libgpg-error newt libgcrypt libtiff nscd bzip2 patch pyxf86config libogg hal libusb zip libogg-devel slang-devel xmlsec1 utempter libxml2-python vim-minimal at mtools gpm gettext hotplug krb5-devel groff procmail cpp umb-scheme libidn alsa-lib howl desktop-file-utils htmlview ORBit2 rhnlib rmt libtool-libs libwvstreams bind-libs checkpolicy fedora-logos dosfstools pciutils-devel libacl-devel grub krbafs-devel pinfo swig anacron sudo xmlsec1-openssl libvorbis-devel bluez-utils libcap-devel irda-utils readline-devel minicom libxml2-devel setuptool hesiod-devel stunnel dbus-devel slocate rpm-devel gdb psacct unzip pdksh cscope ed wget gmp-develsysreport jwhois nc tcsh hdparm lha audit dos2unix pax diffstat pam_passwdqc rdist db4-utils mtr unix2dos statserial specspo lsof ltrace dmraid pam_smb pam_ccreds mt-st rootfiles symlinks lrzsz ftp setserial attr flex perl kernel pango GConf2gnome-vfs2 libgnomecanvas autoconf automake17 libgcj portmap perl-XML-SAX xorg-x11-Mesa-libGL libgcj-devel gnome-keyring qt libpcap dhclient xinetd glibc-kernheaders glibc-devel policycoreutils perl-XML-LibXML-Common perl-Convert-ASN1 perl-HTML-Parser perl-XML-Parser perl-Filter perl-XML-Grove perl-XML-Twig perl-LDAP perl-XML-LibXML gcc-g77 gcc-java wvdial oprofile libtool iptstate automake16 vconfig quota tcpdump kernel-utils dhcpv6_client isdn4k-utils patchutils numactl fbset redhat-rpm-config perl-Crypt-SSLeay cyrus-sasl libuser usermode gnupg nss_ldap python-ldap kbd autofs cyrus-sasl-plain openldap-devel libuser-devel filesystem libgcc mktemp zlib grep chkconfig findutils words glib2 kernel tar SysVinit sysklogd module-init-tools tcp_wrappers elfutils-libelf gdbm rpm-python strace shadow-utilslibjpeg m4 binutils slang libxslt libtermcap-devel glib libcap file libvorbis libmng openssh-clients bc crontabs e2fsprogs-devel man gamin curl howl-libs libIDL gnome-mime-data krbafs libf2c rsync kudzu-devel bind-utils curl-devel gpm-devel newt-devel libusb-devel bzip2-devel lockdev-devel ntsysv bison libselinux-devel krb5-workstation gdbm-devel parted ash indent dialog db4-devel setarch traceroute pam-devel pstack ctags schedutils byacc splint acl rdate mailcap crash initscriptsgtk2 libglade2 automake15 iptables perl-URI automake pciutils vixie-cron glibc-headers aspell perl-HTML-Tagset perl-libxml-perl perl-XML-Dumper valgrind-callgrind gcc-c++ rp-pppoe yp-tools prelink pcmcia-cs apmd automake14 rpm-build jpackage-utils openldap sendmail system-config-mouse mdadm nfs-utils cyrus-sasl-md5