On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 05:34:30 +0100 (CET), Dag Wieers <dag@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I would be less than keen to remove things that I may have to add later. > But if you volunteer for that, I have no problem with it :) Again, a large > part does not require extra macros or only have extra macros to provide > 'features' to rebuilders. Was that an answer to my question? I was hoping you could give me a simple yes or no. Let me be clear. I want you actually using the buildsystem that Red Hat has created asap so that any suggestions or changes you want to make to the process comes from a position of experience with the buildsystem in use by Fedora. Is it really that difficult to say that you are willing to contribute a few packages as an initial step towards becoming a contributor? I know it would be really nice if all your packages that you currently maintain could just drop into the fedora build system and expect to work on the first try, I'm sure every contributor out there would like that to happen with their packages as well. I just don't see that as realistic. What i think is realistic is that contributors make an effort to work with the build system as early as possible with a small number of packages and work towards importation of larger sets of packages as the buildsystem evolves. So let me try this again. Are you willing to contribute any package(s), to the evolving Fedora contributor process, before the extra macros issues are resolved? If no is your participation as a package contributor dependant on the macros issue being resolved? Or to ask a more general question, will you be waiting until you can import your entire collection in one push? -jef