Re: New Group Calls For Boycotting Systemd

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On 04/09/14 11:11 AM, Sérgio Basto wrote:
since Fedora have some responsibility, unfortunately I think the group
have some valid reasons , systemd should be the replacement of
sysvinit  , a built in DHCP !? why ? and others integration like crontab
should be modular, for someone else could use his own crontab .
OTOH , the support of systemd is not good, we got bug opened and they
are ignored as nothing happens, as for example bug


best regards,
This is the gift of drama that never stops giving.

Trying to undo systemd at this point is next to impossible. All major distributions are using it or will be moving to it, so far as I know. Switching away at this point would be very disruptive and hurt Linux in general far more than it would help.
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