On 05/04/2013 12:30 AM, Matthew Garrett wrote:
On Fri, May 03, 2013 at 11:24:01PM -0500, Eric Sandeen wrote:
Matthew, with all due respect the tone of the bug doesn't make me think
that there is a lot of interest in discussion from the developers.
Reopening bugs is generally a good way of ensuring that there's even
less interest in discussion from the developers, and posting to mailing
lists that most of the developers concerned don't read has pretty
obvious problems in terms of changing their minds.
From the process point of view, it does look a little obstructionist:
"No, we won't discuss it in Bugzilla"; "No we won't discuss it in
fedora-devel either". Reminds me of the joke: "Lunch on Tuesday? Sorry,
can't do it on Tuesday---how about Never? is Never good for you?". I
understand your point that the concerned Anaconda developers may simply
not see the traffic, but they do know about the Bugzilla entry and this
discussion on the devel list, so I hope that they could find it in their
heart to put out their argument in the forum with the largest possible
audience which at the moment seems to be here.
Big changes deserve more explanation and outreach from the developers,
not just dropping them in everyone's lap.
devel mailing list