Re: RFC: Fedora revamp proposal

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On 06/03/13 04:40 AM, Jaroslav Reznik wrote:
----- Original Message -----
On Tue, 5 Mar 2013 03:48:29 -0500 (EST)
 From tooling perspective - that's the question if we want to
our tools, step into other similar project (for collaboration with
our downstreams? other distros...).
yeah, I don't know.

Perhaps someone could ask around and see if there's any
inside Red Hat that would be good for this? ABI checking and perhaps
rpm diffing?
I'm trying to ask guys around, what do they have and what they could
offer for us. And sell it as a good thing for both sides ;-)
We do already have an AutoQA test which runs rpmguard, and rpmguard 
notes dependency/provision version changes. Here it is spotting an ABI 
bump for binutils:

Now, whether you'd want to somehow parse such results out from the existing rpmguard test externally, or write a new more specific test, or do something else, or dance a little jig, is a different question. But to a certain extent we're Already Doing That. The rpmguard test is currently entirely informational, no policies are enforced, but you can go read the output if you want to be an informed package maintainer...
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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