Re: Where are we going? (Not a rant)

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Chris Smart schreef, Op 2-1-2013 8:53:
On 12/07/2012 11:53 PM, Tomas Radej wrote:
One of the results was a conversation I had with a few guys to
whom I recommended Fedora as a development environment. It showed me
that there's indeed something wrong. While they all said that Fedora's
features were brilliant, they unanimously rejected Fedora as a
primary system. The reason they gave me was, now quoting: It doesn't
really work.
I know this is an old thread, but I'm curious as to what didn't "really
work" for them.

Was it instability? Lack of media support? Non-free software like nvidia
drivers or flash? Devices not working, lack of proprietary firmware?
Problems/complications with the installer?

The one thing that I personally think is missing is excellent upgrade
support between releases via the package manager (and I know that
Richard has been working on this with packagekit). This might make
Fedora more attractive.

I'm also surprised to read of lots of people saying Fedora is not
reliable as I have rarely had any problems, certainly less than I recall
having on Ubuntu.

For me it's the nvidia driver. With my gf220 card it makes upgrading a 
hell. Installing nvidia's non-free driver fixes the problem, and after 
that everything is fine.
You have been lucky with your hardware. A lot of people run (the latest) 
Fedora in a VM, which doesn't help for testing hardware support.

Erwin Waterlander

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