Adam Williamson wrote: > You don't make any attempt to engage with the reason for it: to ensure > that updates get sufficient testing. I kinda did, with the next paragraph (which you are quick to dismiss as off topic). :-) People will test the stuff when it's marked stable, and that way they actually test what will be in the release (or the Alpha or Beta). > changed, you should at least engage with why it is the way it is, and > explain why you think the benefits of not enabling updates-testing by > default in Branched releases (which, to me, seem marginal: it saves > people who run pre-releases and then update to final a bit of trouble) > outweigh the drawbacks (which, in the shape of reduced feedback on > testing updates for Branched releases, could be significant). 1. I don't consider the upgrade path issue "marginal" at all. If people install our prereleases, they expect to be able to upgrade to the final release seamlessly. At each release, we get bug reports about "broken upgrade paths" from Beta to Final which are actually just a result of updates-testing getting magically disabled (and keeping it enabled wouldn't be that great a solution either). 2. Updates-testing tends to contain very broken stuff, for which the maintainer knows it needs more testing before being proven usable (or not). Enabling it by default makes Branched more unstable than it could be (and in some cases, even more unstable than Rawhide, as the EVR monotonicity issue which is the subject of this thread shows). 3. People testing with updates-testing enabled aren't testing what will actually end up in the releases (Alpha, Beta, Final), which use only packages marked stable. 4. Updates-testing being enabled by default means that people installing an Alpha or Beta immediately get fed tons of 0-day (actually negative-day) updates, because the Alpha or Beta does not include those testing updates by design. It makes it look quite pointless to work on stabilizing the Beta when people who installed the Alpha and ran "yum update" are already using newer packages than those the Beta will ship before the Beta is even being prepared. 5. People who want to use updates-testing will opt in to it explicitly. Opting in is easier than opting out because it means upgrading packages rather than downgrading them. Kevin Kofler -- devel mailing list devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx