>PLEASE give us a option for systems upgraded with yum >NOT USING "systemd" and force "upstart" as before > >* the system is running since years >* every dist-upgrade via yum was no problem >* now see screenshot >* WTF is there to relabel if started with "selinux=0"-kernel-param > >WHY IN THE WORLD ARE USERS FORCED TO USE SYSTEMD ONLY BECAUSE >THEY UPGRAD TO F15? DO THIS FOR NEW INSTALLATIONS BUT NEVER >ON UPDATES > >I DO NOT NEED SYSTEMD ON 20 SERVERS HERE BECAUSE THEY ARE STARTING >FAST ENOUGH AND I NEED NO MAGIC WHICH THINKS KNOWS WHAT TO START >IN WHICH ORDER SINCE I KNOW WHAT IS RUNNING ON MY SYSTEMS My opinion: You know what was wrong, sir - you put on your 20 servers Fedora - free software. And that means that you can't get personal support, because most of real developers are employees of Redhat. Have you notice that they use Fedora like a toy, to play with, to test a new ideas, to try new things on it. Developers do not count it like anything serious - it is a toy for them. Today they decided that upstart is wrong and they need systemd, tomorrow they can change their mind, they going to implement btrfs soon. Fedora is a test toy. Do not expect any respect for the long time use. And that is why linux is not so popular - it has always been a TOY and nothing more. Consider to use something different for your server or solve your problems by your self. Thanks. -- devel mailing list devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel