On 11/28/2009 10:26 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
On Sat, 2009-11-28 at 07:31 +0000, Terry Barnaby wrote:
Some really useful info in How_to_debug_Xorg_problems. I couldn't easily
find it from the main wiki home page however. Maybe a link to this page marked
"Graphics issues" could be made on the front page (focus users on improving the
graphics) ?
That doesn't scale. There's lots of useful pages in the Wiki. We can't
link to all of them from the front page.
I was thinking of this more as a special Graphics debug push :)
There's a link on the front page which says 'Report a new bug', with the
word 'bug' a link to
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugsAndFeatureRequests . The X page is
linked from that page in the 'Information required for bugs in specific
components' section. That's two steps from the front page.
Could improve the title "Graphics problems and bug reporting" ?
We have multiple pages of this type, all named
How_to_debug_foobar_problems . We found that the best generic naming
scheme for all such pages.
and add some search terms such as "Graphics Problems", "3D problems" etc.
I'm not sure you can add search terms to Wiki pages, but if you can,
then sure.
I would have thought that simply adding the text for these in the page would
have helped searching ?
Add some info on what to set for "Bugzilla" fields ?
That's not appropriate for subject-specific pages; it's discussed in the
main 'how to report bugs' page,
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugsAndFeatureRequests .
Maybe the bug reports should include the package version numbers ?
That might be useful in some cases, yeah.
Maybe some simple user tools could be generated to ease and make bug reporting
more useful. Something simple like the following might be useful:
date> bug1
lspci | grep VGA>> bug1
(echo -n "kernel: "; uname -r)>> bug1
rpm -q --qf "%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\n" xorg-x11-server-Xorg>> bug1
rpm -q --qf "%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\n" xorg-x11-drv-ati>> bug1
rpm -q --qf "%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\n" mesa-dri-drivers>> bug1
glxinfo | grep "OpenGL renderer string">> bug1
It's a decent idea, the problem I have with it is you wind up with a
forest of little scripts with no decent maintenance strategy. I'd rather
have a more integrated and properly maintained tool, it may grow out of
abrt in future.
Yes, but that the moment the Graphics bugs seem to have random user inputs
of information. I would have thought that a simple script to help with just
Graphics bugs would help just now. (I am hoping all of the graphics problems
will have gone away by next year :) )
It might be worth including info on how to update from fedora-testing just
graphics related packages. Ie add something like:
"includepkgs=kernel* xorg-x11-* mesa*"
to the "updates-testing" section of fedora-updates-testing.repo and
enable the repo ? Also how to revert. Should it state that all tests
should be done with fedora-updates-testing packages ?
The automated systems for handling updates usually handle this (when an
update is submitted to updates-testing that's marked by the maintainer
as fixing a particular bug, an automatic comment is added to the bug
with a note that an update is in updates-testing to be tried).
I notice there is a new xorg-x11-drv-ati. It does look like things are moving :)
All we need now is 2 months down the line for Fedora 12.1 to be released with
updated anaconda and all updated packages in ISO form so that
Joe public can easily install a good working Fedora release ...
We don't do this except for extreme major brokenness which we somehow
missed during testing, it's not worth the effort involved. Fedora Unity
does updated re-spins, however they haven't got anything out for F11 yet
due to some problems, I believe they're looking for extra volunteers.
You say that producing a Fedora "12.1" release is "not worth the effort
involved". Is that truly the case ?
Certainly that is what I always do here. Normally the initial Fedora releases
contain quite a few issues and there are a flurry of updates. So I use pungi to
create my own updated release that I use to install on further systems. There is
very little effort in this and, I would have thought, not to much further
testing effort needed. It is a problem that anaconda updates aren't released
however. Certainly from the users front I would have thought that this is worth
the effort. It allows them to install a Fedora system with the core bugs that
users have found fixed in one pass.
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