Re: Package Maintainers Flags policy

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On Tue, 19 May 2009, alcapcom wrote:

2009/5/18 Björn Persson <bjorn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
To me it would seem more reasonable to install the flags by default. Then the
anti-whatever extremists could just remove them, and the more relaxed among
us would see the user interface the way the authors intended without jumping
through additional hoops.

But I will try to say it in another way.

Unfortunate peoples that live in countries where a _simple_ flag can
give troubles for whatever cause/reason, can remove them all to be
able to use Fedora. But please, don't cut our freedom just to be more
friendly with authoritarian regimes.
What if a non-authoritarian regime didn't want us to distribute a flag 
that was offensive to their democratically-empowered populace? Would that 
be okay then?
the whole reason for nuking the set of flags entirely is so we are NOT 
choosing sides.
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