Hello, (If you are on a Bcc:, this e-mail directly affects one of your packages.) Because the Fedora 11 RPM packages will use SHA-256 for file digests in the RPM headers, upgrades from earlier releases to Fedora 11 will replace user-modified %config files (without noreplace) by their original versions, and rename the user-modified files to *.rpmsave. The Fedora packaging guidelines already suggest using %config(noreplace) in most cases: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackagingGuidelines#Configuration_files . Please review use of %config without noreplace in your packages, and add noreplace if appropriate. The list of affected packages is below. Mirek abompard pure-ftpd abompard tiger adrian jabberd ajax system-config-display amdunn coq ashawley gnue-common astokes sos athimm apt athimm fedora-package-config-apt athimm smart atkac bind atkac enscript atkac rsh atorkhov ember ausil snort awjb odccm awjb synce-serial awjb WindowMaker behdad fontconfig behdad pango buc phpldapadmin buc phpwapmail caolanm openoffice.org cassmodiah sbackup clumens firstboot davej midisport-firmware davidf fsvs davidz dbus davidz notification-daemon dbhole jpackage-utils dcantrel dhcpv6 dcbw NetworkManager deebs phpTodo denis brasero dledford lam dnovotny emacs dwalsh selinux-policy dwalsh setroubleshoot dwmw2 apmud dwmw2 exim dwmw2 linux-atm edhill wifiroamd emunson lsvpd ensc clamav ensc dhcp-forwarder ensc fedora-usermgmt ensc ip-sentinel ensc kismet ensc tor ensc util-vserver frankb ctapi-cyberjack gemi smarteiffel geoff scala giallu alleyoop hadess bluez hadess bluez-gnome hadess galago-daemon hadess gnome-media hadess gnome-vfs2-obexftp hadess totem harald readahead harald udev herlo darkice huzaifas psiconv chitlesh alliance icon epylog ixs bacula ixs ices jakub glibc jamatos ifplugd jbowes gnome-nds-thumbnailer jcm module-init-tools jkeating fedora-release jmoskovc lynx jmoskovc rarpd jmoskovc rusers jmoskovc rwall jmoskovc rwho jnovy mc jorton httpd jorton php jorton php-pear jparsons system-config-cluster jskala arptables_jf jskala mgetty jskala ppp jskala quagga jskala squid jspaleta revelation jwboyer quilt kaboom rinetd karsten irda-utils karsten x3270 katzj yum-updatesd kevin p0f kushal kphotobymail kwizart aqsis kwizart color-filesystem kwizart elektra kwizart PythonCAD kzak gnome-applet-vm lennart pulseaudio limb wesnoth lkundrak grub2 lkundrak system-config-keyboard lkundrak system-config-rootpassword lvm-team device-mapper-multipath mccann ConsoleKit mccann gdm mcleanj nxt_python mhlavink nmap mhlavink nut mhlavink squirrelmail mlichvar arpwatch mlichvar conky mlichvar pinfo mlichvar sendmail mmahut gnuradio mpg sugar nalin krb5 nalin oddjob nbecker filelight nhorman kexec-tools nigelj horde nigelj imp nigelj ingo nigelj jeta nigelj kronolith nigelj turba notting initscripts ovasik inn ovasik wvdial overholt eclipse perex alsa-lib perex alsa-utils pertusus gnochm pertusus wdm peter fuse petersen thaifonts-scalable pghmcfc gnome-libs phuang ibus pjones mkinitrd pknirsch filesystem pknirsch system-config-httpd pwouters driftnet rathann comgt rdieter dirmngr rdieter kde-filesystem rdieter kde-settings rezso mapbender rhughes hal rhughes PackageKit rrelyea ccid rrelyea pcsc-lite rstrode gnome-mime-data rstrode libbonobo rstrode redhat-menus salimma zeroinstall-injector scop vdr scop w3c-markup-validator sgrubb prelude-lml sgrubb prelude-manager silfreed thinkfinger skvidal system-autodeath spot generic-release steved nfs-utils steved rpcbind steve openvpn steve qtparted steve sqlgrey stransky nspluginwrapper tagoh Canna tagoh kinput2 tbzatek gnome-vfs2 than isdn4k-utils than mozplugger than qt3 thias gentoo thias lighttpd thias oidentd thias proftpd thomasvs flumotion thomasvs mach till latex-mk till wyrd tmraz pam twaugh a2ps twaugh expendable twaugh ghostscript twaugh pnm2ppa twoerner system-config-firewall varekova psacct vcrhonek tog-pegasus vcrhonek ypserv xen-maint xen xgl-maint xorg-x11-twm xgl-maint xorg-x11-xdm xgl-maint xorg-x11-xsm zkota pybliographer zprikryl apmd zprikryl fbset -- fedora-devel-list mailing list fedora-devel-list@xxxxxxxxxx https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-devel-list