Re: Another round of default app discussion

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Michael Catanzaro píše v So 12. 03. 2016 v 11:10 -0600:
> Hi,
> Recently the Workstation working group agreed to match the GNOME apps
> we install by default in Fedora with upstream GNOME's core apps. We
> will by default sync our default apps to upstream's, and make
> exceptions only for exceptional reasons if when proposed on this
> list.
> This adds a bit more cement to our status as the best GNOME
> distribution with minimal divergence from upstream.
> I worked upstream with designers and release team to move many
> desirable apps into core, to better match what we're currently
> shipping
> in Fedora. I also created a gnome-incubator metamodule upstream,
> which
> is where we'll put apps that we want to be core apps by design, but
> which we recognize are not yet ready to be installed by default in
> distributions. Currently that is home to bijiben, gnome-boxes, gnome-
> calendar, gnome-dictionary, gnome-music, and gnome-photos.
> Here is how we currently diverge from the new upstream
> recommendations:
> Apps missing from Fedora: epiphany, gnome-logs
> Extra apps in Fedora: bijiben, evolution, gnome-boxes, shotwell,
> rhythmbox
> I see little value in discussing Epiphany again right now. Let's make
> an exception for that.
> I have added Logs in Fedora just now, as I expect that will be
> uncontroversial and I don't see any value in diverging from upstream
> here.
> Bijiben is just not very good yet, and it's not under active
> development. There's no good reason for us to diverge from upstream
> here, and I expect it will be uncontroversial, so I've dropped it.

Agreed, Bijiben 3.20 is broken, so I don't see a reason to include it. 

> I guess Evolution might be controversial; I use it religiously, and
> many of you probably do too. But the user interface is complex and
> confusing; users should not be exposed to this by default, barring
> drastic UI changes that are outside the scope of the Evolution
> project.
> Evolution is a great mail client for power users, but I'm confident
> that the average user will be better off with webmail services; folks
> who want a desktop client can simply install one, after all. We
> intend
> to replace it with GNOME Mail eventually, but nobody has started
> developing it yet. I propose we drop Evolution, but I have not done
> so
> yet, pending further discussion.

Frankly, GNOME Mail is almost as improbable to happen as GNOME Chat. No
one has started developing it and IMHO no one will. Even Geary doesn't
fly as a project. It's mostly power users who still see a value in
desktop mail clients (I, for instance, do, my parents just use and they're IMHO much better served by Evolution than by
Geary or something that should come out from the GNOME Mail design.

So it's a question if we want a mail client in the default installation
or not. If we want, Evolution is still our best option. I don't have a
strong opinion about it, with GNOME Software the default set of apps is
not as important as before since you can easily install whatever you
want from the repos. But considering Fedora Workstation targets rather
power users I think it still may have its value to have it pre-

> Boxes has too many serious bugs right now, so it cannot go into
> gnome-
> core yet, but we intend it to eventually. Since this is a significant
> application, I have not yet removed it from our default install,
> pending further discussion. My main concern is that it would look odd
> for us to remove such a significant app from the default install,
> then
> bring it back in a year or two. On the other hand, users won't notice
> a
> thing unless they make a habit of reinstalling Fedora, and it's not
> good to include apps we can't fully recommend. It's not clear to me
> what choice is best here.

I would keep it in for the time being, but it's true GNOME Boxes need
to improve. I'm not sure if we can achieve it with the current scope.
It's too simple to be used by power users. I've talked to Fedora QA
several times what would have to change in order to make them switch to
Boxes as their daily drivers, so that it can get enough test coverage.
There are quite a few fundamental features missing.
I don't think that with the current scope of Boxes it's something the
virt guys who now develop virt-manager would be interested in. Again
many fundamental features missing.
So the problem of Boxes is that it could be a nice tool for average
users, but people who can move it forward don't use it and because of
missing features it's not really interesting for them.

> I propose we make temporary exceptions to keep Shotwell and
> Rhythmbox, until their intended replacements, Photos and Music, move
> into
> upstream's GNOME core moduleset. That will very likely happen for
> Photos for F25. I'm less certain about Music.

With Photos, I'd rather wait until we have camera import implemented.
We already have someone working on it, but it will land in F26 at the


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