Re: Updated Fedora Workstation PRD draft

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On Mon, 2013-11-25 at 13:59 +0100, Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller
> Hi everyone,
> First of all apologize for this taking so long, I ended up traveling
> non-stop for some time visiting some of Red Hats desktop customers.
> While not directly tied to the work of this working group I do hope to
> take some of the lessons learned from those meetings with me into the
> future work of the working group.
> Anyway I tried editing the PRD a bit based on the feedback we got on the
> first draft. I tried to make a few items a bit clearer and also to
> include spelling fixes contributed and so on. 
> We probably want to do another WG meeting soon to discuss next steps.
> Feel free to let me know if I forgot to include some important feedback
> or if further clarifications are needed.

"Upgrading the system multiple times through the upgrade process should
give a result that is the same as an original install of Fedora

Based on my experience (>10 years of it, with multiple distributions and
OSes), this is an incredibly ambitious goal. It may in fact be entirely
unachievable as written. I'm not aware of a single operating system in
existence which actually achieves this. Even cellphone manufacturers -
who have a very clearly-defined single piece of hardware to deal with,
and a much smaller set of software and use cases to worry about than we
have - don't achieve this. I'm really not sure it should be front and
centre in a foundational document without some really convincing
evidence that it's even vaguely achievable.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net

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