Hi, I've closed our internal desktop discussion list for new posts. Here are the topics we've discussed recently that should have been public: 1. Java/Mono - I moved this discussion to fairly public places ;-) Best to keep it off this list. 2. Hardware autoconfiguration. General goal is to autoconfigure hardware without user intervention or writing to /etc. This is the hal/dbus/ Project Utopia stuff. http://ometer.com/hardware.html 3. Deployment scenarios that avoid per-machine state, including read-only root fs copied from a central image, thin clients, and so forth. There was a discussion of this on fedora-devel. We don't have very detailed ideas yet. 4. Media players, Colin just posted on this. 5. Details of rearranging menus 6. Daniel Veillard is hacking on a per-user daemon to replace the FAM system daemon, primarily motivated by SELinux (FAM system daemon lets you violate the security boundaries) 7. The gconf multiple login question, which everyone is already familiar with sadly... Mark was having a look. Our OS desktop discussion is less than you might think, since most topics fall into an upstream project such as GNOME. If you're interested in the Fedora desktop I'd definitely recommend watching the project-specific forums as well. Hope this is helpful. Feel free to ask about specific development topics. Havoc