On Mon, 29 Mar 2004, Ernesto Ferrari wrote: > Hello, > I work for a Company which provides IT services running on Linux. > We were thinking about running Fedora on our servers, but before I'd > like to know if there'll be just one package manager of choice in the > future (and if so, which one, yum or apt?) or there'll still be a mixed > solution with a meta-package-manager like today in FC1 (up2date(yum/apt)). > It of crucial importance for us to keep our server updated, and the > present situation doesn't look quite right to me. Wrong list. This list if for devel of configuration tools on fedora. Having said that I can tell you unofficially (I do not work for Red Hat) that most likely yum and up2date will stay. I do not know if apt will be included in the distro or not but it does not really matter, In the future they all are going to use the same metadata. That way you can use whatever you want. As far as the next question of which one is better I can tell you that the best one is the one you like. Getting into a long drawn out discussion of the pros and cons of the different programs borders on a religious war and accomplishes nothing. Please follow up to this thread on the fedora list. Regards, Tom